Chapter 2

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Dallas’s POV

This was so not what I need right now, but I have to take care of her. I feel like she’s my responsibility, and for some reason, I want her…yes, in that way, but there is no way I’m taking advantage of her. I can’t believe she’s still standing here after what my stupid fucking stepbrother did to her.

 “Come on, we’re going now. Right now,” I say. She shakes her head, then nods, then shakes her head again. “What?”

 “It won’t help,” she whispers. “He’ll find me anyway.”

“You’ll be with me. I’m the last place he’ll look.”

 “No, Dallas, you’re the first place he’ll look.”

“Oh yeah? And how do you know? I know my stepbrother very well, Tara. Don’t forget, I lived with him for seven years. I know—”

 “Oh yeah, Mr. I Know Everything? Well guess what,” she snaps. I like her feistiness. “Do you know that when I got into a car accident and was in a coma for a month, he had surgery performed on me to put a tracking chip in my brain? He knows where I am every second, minute, and hour of the day, Dallas Ravine. So, did you know that? Huh? DID YOU?”

I slowly shake my head, processing the information. He had a tracking device implanted in her head? A f*cking tracking device? Is that how obsessed he was with her? That he never wanted her to leave? “That b*stard,” I breathed. “He’s going to get it from me.”

Tara shakes her head. “It’s no use, Dallas. No matter what you try, he’ll always find me.”

 “Well, even if he does find you, I’ll kill him before he does anything to hurt you. Got it? So you’re still coming with me. My house has the highest security in the country. I’ll know when he’s twenty miles away. Trust me. Please, Tara, just come with me.”

She looks at me, straight in the eyes, just the way I like it. Her face shuts down as a tear rolls down her cheek. “Why me?” she whispers. “Why me? Huh?” Tara looks up at the sky, her entire being full of rage now. “Why did you have to leave me? Why? Couldn’t you just have been good parents? What the f*ck is your problem, you b*tchy cowards?” she screams. Then she bursts into tears, covering her face with her hands.

 I pull her into a hug, letting her cry against me. She beats her fists on my chest (it hurts like sh*t, but I don’t say anything) and trembles. “Tara, everything’s going to be okay. You’re with me. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, okay? If anyone lays a finger on you, they’re going straight to prison. This will be over before you know it,” I murmur. Her crying is breaking my heart. Please, whoever’s listening, just make her stop. I can’t bear to see her like this.

Tara sniffs before looking up at me. “Take me with you. Please. Anywhere away from here.”

I nod, lifting her up bridal-style, and lay her in the passenger seat of my car. I start the engine and drive to my house. She’s fast asleep by the time we get there, so I carry her into the guest bedroom, laying her down and covering her up. I plant a tender kiss on her forehead. Just the feeling of her skin against my lips makes me hard, but I force myself to leave the room. I go downstairs.

I motion to one of my bodyguards, Xenophe. She’s the best one I’ve ever had. It’s amazing how skilled she is. She’s definitely far better than any of the men I’ve had in the past. “Xen, I need you to go upstairs and guard the second guestroom. It’s the one with the dark blue door. She has a connection, a shitty, abusive connection, with my stepbrother, and I need you to keep your eye on her at all times unless she’s with me. She’s sleeping now, so just sit in the chair inside. Apparently, he’s implanted a f*cking tracking device in her head so he could get here at any time. If she wakes up, tell her I sent you to look after her.”

Xenophe nods and walks upstairs. I grab my second best bodyguard, Dayton, and tell him to stand outside Tara’s door. He immediately trots upstairs.

I sink onto the couch and pull up my desktop computer. Being a CIA detective requires a good computer at all times. I literally took a month-long course in high school on which computers were best for hacking top-secret files. Yes, being a CIA detective requires illegally hacking into random evil corporations.

“So, Shaun, let’s see what you’ve got up your sorry-ass sleeve,” I mutter to myself. Within fifteen minutes, I’ve got evidence that he implanted a tracking chip into Tara’s brain while she was in a coma. Of course, he did it without her permission, just like I thought he did. “You’re such a f*cking idiot, Shaun Luther, don’t you know that?” I email the files to the local police station. They know me very well, considering I’ve cracked many cases here before. In the email, I write:


My stepbrother, Shaun Bristol Luther, has implanted a tracking device in a woman’s brain without her permission. I’ll get his address to you soon. It may take a few hours. Get ready to haul his ass to prison. If he finds me before I find him, I’ll take care of him on the spot. I think he’s done enough crimes to receive a death penalty. If I get arrested for murder, I’ll get myself out of it. Shaun’s gotten enough proof for me to defend myself. I’ll send his address as soon as I find it.

                                                                                                        -       Dallas 

 I immediately start searching for Shaun’s address. He’s a smart man. Well, he’s not exactly smart. He’s just had experience. It takes me nearly six hours to find him. “There you are,” I say in a low voice. I copy his address and tell Xenophe and Datyon that I’m going to find Shaun. They nod and wish me luck. Knowing my stepbrother, I’m definitely going to need it.

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