Troy is Stupid

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"Poor Jane; doesn't get any attention from her precious boyfriend. You're probably still a virgin, Am I right? I can fix that, you know."

El didn't know what he was talking about, but she didn't want him to fix anything. She wanted him to get off of her.

He started kissing her again, bringing his knee between her legs as he kept his hand moving up slowly. When he found what he was looking for, he smiled a disgusting, slimy smile against El's lips, and started kissing her neck as he filled his hand with her-


Troy was suddenly ripped from her and before he could open her eyes again, she found herself in a soft, protective embrace, the sent of Three Musketeers filling her nose.


To Lucas Sinclair, Math class was a punishment worse than death. As he sat there, Dustin passed out and drooling on the desk beside him, Lucas wished desperately that something interesting would happen before the maddening powers of Algebra drove him insane.

"Yes, Abraham?" Mrs. Glen pointed to the desk behind him.

Turning slightly, he saw the scrawny hand of Abraham Morris rest back onto his desk. "Can I use the bathroom?"

Mrs. Glen sighed, "I suppose so, but hurry back! We're going to start solving for x!"

Abraham shuffled his way to the front, silently taking the chunky, wooden hall pass in his tiny hand before making his way to the door. As he opened it, something made him halt in his tracks.

"Um," he turned back to the teacher hesitantly, a bright blush on his face, "I-I don't think I should go out there."

Mrs. Glen rose an eyebrow. "Why not?"

The boy shuffled his feet, looking embarrassed as he looked at the floor. "T-Troy and the new girl are..." he cleared his throat awkwardly, "busy."

This set off all of the alarms that Lucas had in his head. Troy was alone with El. Quickly, Lucas kicked Dustin's desk, startling him awake. "Dustin!"

He didn't wait for his friend to even fully wake up before he was out of his seat and heading towards the door. Dustin, although not understanding the situation, stumbled out of his seat and followed his friend. They both ignored their teacher's shouts.

When they made it out the door, they stumbled to a stop, frozen in shock at what they were seeing. Troy had El pressed against a row of lockers, sucking on her shoulder as El pushed weakly against his chest, her eyes screwed shut in discomfort and confusion. From where Lucas stood, he could see one of Troy's hands slide up El's stomach and cup her-

Oh Hell no.

Filled with rage-induced strength, Lucas charged forward and grabbed at the dirtbag's shirt, yanking him off of his friend and sending him to the floor with a bang. Troy scrambled to his feet with a snarl, and Lucas clenched his fist as hard as he could before sending it directly into Troy's face. He took a second to glance behind him, letting out a relieved breath at the sight of Dustin holding her in his arms, before he turned back to the boy on the ground.

"You motherfucker!"

It was at that moment that teachers from other classrooms stepped into the hallway, students peeking out of the doors in curiosity. Lucas didn't care. Lucas didn't pay them any attention. He could only focus on the douchebag that lay on the floor in front of him, holding his nose as blood dripped down his fingers.

Troy groaned. "What the hell, Midnight!?"

"Stay the hell away from her, you sick fuck!"

"What is the meaning of this!?" A teacher, Lucas didn't take his eyes off of Troy to find out who, yelled from behind him. Troy tried to scramble to his feet, but Lucas pushed him back down before he even made it to his knees. "Mr. Sinclair!"

"He's going nuts Mr. Scott, I didn't even do anything!" Troy yelled to the man, Mr. Scott apparently, as he tried to scoot away from the boy.

"Nothing my ass, Anderson!" Lucas felt steam coming from his nose. "You think pinning a girl to a locker and feeling her up is nothing!? You fucking rapist piece of shit!"

He could hear the teachers protest against his language, but he really didn't care. Lucas' language was the least of his concern, and he was disappointed in the fact that his teachers were more focused on that than the situation at hand.

"You think she didn't like it, Sinclair?" Troy sneered, a triumphant smirk on his face. "Let's face it, you're just mad because Janey's cheating on Wheeler."

Dustin chose that moment to speak up, firmly pressing El's head into his chest as he spoke. "You're full of shit, Anderson!"

"Fuck you Toothless!"

"I have teeth, you ignorant shit!"

"Will someone explain what is going on here!?" Lucas finally turned to face Mr. Scott, still watching Troy out of the corner of his eye.

"I'll tell you what's going on," Lucas pointed a finger at Troy, "this piece of shit tried to rape my friend, that's what's going on!"

"I didn't do anything!" Troy protested from his place on the floor. "Sure, we were kissing and stuff, but I wasn't raping anyone! You can't just cry rape 'cause you got caught cheating on your boyfriend!"

Lucas couldn't listen to another word. "Eat shit, Anderson!"

"Mr. Sinclair!" Mr. Scott exclaimed again, sounding extremely repetitive to Lucas. "That is enough from you!"

"No!" Lucas knew, at that point, that he would be in so much trouble, but he didn't care. He turned to Troy, looking him straight in the eye as he began slowly walking closer to the bully. "You think you can do whatever you want, to whoever you want, don't you? Well guess what, Fucker, you messed with the wrong girl. You know who she is, right?"

He gestured to his two friends, who huddled together and looked at him nervously. "She's Jane fucking Hopper, you idiot. As in Chief Hopper. You really think that this is going to slide right under the table, regardless of what you or I say? Hell no!

"I'm going to tell you what's going to happen within one week. I'm going to kick your ass. Might not be now, might not even be today, but I swear on my life that I will kick your ass so hard that you won't even know your ass from your face. Then, when Mike hears about this, which you know he will, he'll kick your ass too. Then, we'll let the Chief have a turn, you know, cause he's her dad. And whatever's left of you when all of that is over, is going to be registered as a fucking sex offender."

He didn't wait for Troy to respond. He didn't wait for the teachers to scold him for his violent threats. He simply turned to his friends, wrapped a protective arm around Eleven, and guided them down the hall.  


A.N.: So that's it! It's a one-shot, so I won't be continuing, but I want to write more Stranger Things fanfics really badly! Also, the "Eat shit!" line is a nod to Lucas standing up for El in season one. 

Okay thanks for reading! please vote, Comment, and Follow me! 


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