
I approached the two story house that was all too familiar. I stopped in front of the red door and brought my fist up to knock on it. I stopped after a good three or four knocks. I waited patiently for about 30 seconds until the door was opened, and there stood a curly haired boy with light green eyes filled with confusion.

"Poppy? What're you doing here?" Harry asked with a very confused look on his face. There was also a hint of embarrassment in it as well.

"Um I just figured since you were gonna be alone practically all night that we could hangout? Plus I kinda need to talk to you about some stuff." I said shifting my weight while speaking.

"Oh.. Yeah that'd be fine." Harry replied with a worried look. I could tell he wasn't looking forward to the conversation we were bound to have.

"So, can I come in or.." I asked with a small chuckle. It was amusing to see Harry so nervous about something.

"Oh yeah. Of course, my bad." Harry moved aside from the door frame, allowing me to enter into the home. I looked around the house the second I got in, looking for any similarities or any sign of Angie living here. Of course, like I had expected, there was nothing. The family portraits and little knick-knacks that used to litter the walls were now barren. There were a few modern paintings here and there, but nothing like it used to be.

I stood there in the living room, remembering all the things that used to be here, but are nothing more than just a blur. I was pulled out of my trance by Harry clearing his throat. "So did you wanna talk here or in my room? The backyard? Are you thirsty? You want some water? Are you comfortable? You can sit down if you want." Harry began rambling on due to his nervousness.

"Harry!" I said cutting him off with an amused grin on my face. "I'm fine, and we can talk in your room I guess. Whatever's fine with me." I said while placing a hand on his forearm, attempting to calm him down.

Harry let out a loud sign before nodding and turning towards the stairs. I followed him into his bedroom, and sat at the edge of his bed. I watched as Harry went over to his dresser and turned on the radio. The small box emitted a noise, filling the room. I looked around the room and noticed a couple of boxes still unpacked from the move.

"You're not done unpacking yet?" I asked nosily craning my head to the side to see Harry.

Harry joined me on the edge of his bed, less than a couple of feet away. He brought his hand to the back of his neck and started scratching it, in which I have realized is one of his nervous habits. "Oh yeah not yet. I'm almost done though, just a few things and I guess we'll be 'officially' moved it." Harry chuckled while using air quotes. I nodded at his response while looking at hands that were placed in my lap. Having a nervous habit of my own, I twiddled my thumbs back and forth wondering how to start the topic.

I took a deep breath and looked over at Harry, filling myself with as much confidence as possible. I had just opened my mouth when Harry had abruptly cut me off. "Before you say anything I want to talk first." He said adjusting himself so he was facing me. I nodded as he took in a deep breath and continued. "If you're here to talk about what I think you're here to talk about then I just want to say that I don't know why I did that. I was a really spur of the moment decision and I'm sorry if it scared you of whatever."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Harry held up his hand to signify that he wasn't finished. I closed my mouth and nodded, telling him to continue.

"But I'm not sorry for kissing you, and I could tell by the way you kissed me back you liked it too. But I know how irrational that was, and I don't want to lose you as a friend before we even actually become friends. So I suggest we act as if it never happened and go back to being... friends I guess." Harry finally finished.

I sat there soaking it all in. He wasn't sorry for kissing me? He actually liked it? Wait why did I care? God I'm just as confused about all of this as he is, but he's right. Being friends and letting all of this go would be the best decision right now.

"Alright we can pretend it never happened, but I'm still going to keep my curtains closed," I added with a smirk. Harry turned a bright pink and we burst out into laughter, which was now filling the room rather than the radio.

"So Poppy," Harry said after our laughter fit. "are you hungry?"

I shook my head considering the only meal I had today was a small bowl of oatmeal at breakfast. I skipped lunch all together because of my little rendezvous to visit Rodney. I had still yet to ask Harry about his sudden interest in working at the bookstore, but I figured it could wait.

"Well good. I don't mean to brag, but I do make a pretty mean grilled cheese." Harry commented with a boyish smirk that made me burst out into laughter again. I was happy it wasn't awkward between us as I had feared. Harry defiantly made my day a little bit better each time I was with him. Just his presence was enough.

"I guess I'll have to be the judge of that Styles."


Within the three hours I spent with Harry we shared a 5-star gourmet grilled cheese sandwich dinner, watched enough sit-coms and cartoons to last us a lifetime, and laughed loud enough to have neighbors complaining about noise. It scared me how easily I got along with Harry. As much as I wanted him in my life I didn't want to get myself too attached. I didn't need him to possibly end up being like Angie.

Harry and I sat on his couch in the living room talking about how ridiculously cheesy most commercials were. I then looked over at the clock by the TV and realized it was almost 9. Harry must have done the same because he jumped off the sofa in a hurry.

"Shit it's getting late. I have to be up early tomorrow, I'm sorry. As much as I would love to stay up all night with you, I can't." Harry apologized. Little did Harry know that I knew exactly where he had to be in the morning, but I decided to keep that information to myself.

"It's fine Harry, really. I should be getting home anyways. Considering I live so far away." I said rolling my eyes in a playful manner.

"Okay okay." Harry said shaking his head side to side while waiting for me to get up off the couch and collect my belongings. "I'll walk you home."

"No you don't have to it's fine. I promise I can make it across the street by myself." I said while patting his chest.

"I want to okay. You're my guest and I'm walking you across the damn street." He said walking me towards the front door, and unlocking it.

"Fine." I threw my arms up in defeat as Harry opened the door for me and followed me outside into the crisp nighttime air. A sudden breeze caught me off guard, causing me to shiver. Harry was quick to catch the action and slipped off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled as we walked across the street. He just shrugged with a reply as we walked the last few yards in silence.

We approached my front door and I fiddled with the key to open it. After finally unlocking it I turned to Harry and looked up to meet his emerald gaze. "Well I guess this is me." I said as I nodded my head in the direction if the half cracked door.

"Thanks for a fun night Poppy. Even if that's not what you had originally planned."

"Ha I can tell you this night didn't end up at all as I had expected, but it couldn't have been better." I said smiling up at Harry. Before Harry could respond I got up on my tiptoes and places a gentle peck on Harry's cheek, catching him off guard.

"Goodnight Harry." I whispered in his ear before returning to my normal height. I began to remove Harry's jacket from my shoulders when his voice stopped me.

"Keep it. I'll just get it later." I nodded and watched as Harry turned to walk back towards his house. He maybe took two steps before turning back around to find me in the exact spot he had left me.

"Oh, and goodnight Poppy. Sweet dreams." He said, and with that I watched as he made his way across the street, leaving me here with his jacket that smelt just like him.

Pine and clean linen.

Possibly the most heavenly of scents.

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