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"Yes Mum i got here safely, and I'm just waiting in the airport for Finns parents to pick me up" Millie rolled her eyes at her mother over the phone

Turning the break of season two to season three, Millie's family had moved from Georgia where they originally lived in the past year or so all the way out to Los Angelos due to them always being there

When it was now time to head back to Georgia to film season three her mother and father knew that it would be too hard due to their own jobs, and Ava's schooling so they talked to the co-stars and the Wolfhards had offered her a place to stay while filming.

"No funny business Millie. And i mean it" Millie's mother sternly said through the telephone causing Millie's face to turn beat red.

"Mom! Oh my gosh why would you think that, he's my best friend and that's all we ever will be" Millie blushed furiously after her mother's remark.

"They are pulling up now. Okay Mom i'll call you when we get to the apartment" Millie rambled on and then hung up slipping her iphone in her pocket

"Mills!" Finns two younger sisters cheered as hey hopped out of the vehicle and bolted to her

Scarlett Wolfhard who was 12 and Addison Wolfhard who was 10.

(I know in real life Finn does not have two sisters, he only has a brother but its for the story And also I don't know his parents names so they will just go by Caroline and Eric.)

"Scarlett! Addie!" Millie cheered as she engulfed the two into two large hugs "I missed you girlies!"

"Ya us too!" Scarlett expressed

"But not as much as Finnie" Addison smirked causing Millie's face to turn bright red

"Talking about Finn, is he here?" Millie awkwardly said trying to change the subject from earlier

"Right here Mills" Finn said popping up behind her and giving her a hug from behind

"Finnie!" Millie cheered as she turned around and wrapped her around around his neck bringing him into a close hug "I missed you so much"


"the girls room is down the hall" Finn pointed out as he gave Millie a brief tour of his house

"and this," Finn began saying as he opened a door to a large dark blue room "is where I sleep and where you will be staying until we fix up the attic and move me into to there"

"it's lovely" Millie smiled as she followed Finn into the bedroom and took a seat on the navy comforter

"sorry that you have to share a room with me for now, mom and dad tried asking the girls if they wanted to share but they just wanted it to be themselves with more room for their dolls or whatever" Finn apologized

"Finnie it's fine" Millie chuckled

"well It's late now" Finn said sheepishly while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck "You can sleep on my bed, i'll take the pull out"

"you sure?" Millie questioned as she got up and made her way over to her bag to get her pajamas "I could sleep on the pull out if you want, I mean it is your room"

"Your our guest, and more importantly your my best friend so please take the bed. I want you to be comfortable on your first night here"

Wrapping her arms around Finns shoulders and hugging him Millie rested her chin on his shoulder and said, "Your the best Finn"

"I missed you Mills" Finn grinned as he still continued to hug her


"She's dead Millie. I'm sorry" Her mother informed as she reassuringly placed her hand on her shoulder.

"No!" Millie screamed as tears began pouring out of her eyes


"No!" She continued repeating as she sobbed uncontrollably

"No!" She continued screaming as she sat up in an unknown bed with the covers thrown off onto the floor with a tremendous amount of sweat dripping off of her forehead

"Millie?" Finns tired yet concerned voice croaked as he sat up moving the covers to the side

"Paige" Millie sobbed as she burrowed her head into her hands

Paige Brown was Millie's oldest sister and she meant the world to Millie and the rest of the Brown family.

A year and a half ago while Millie was home from filming she and her parents received news that changed their lives forever.

Paige had been in a car crash.

They all rushed to the hospital and ten hours later Paige was proncouned dead. Leaving an empty hole in Millie's heart, and never ending night terrors of Millie reliving the same scene.

"It's me Millie, Finn. Your best friend" Finn whispered as he shuffled out of the pull out and walked over to the bed where Millie sat

"She's gone" Millie cried as Finn approached her, taking a seat next to her in comfort

"Shh Mills, I'm here now. It's okay" Finn comforted as he pulled her into a loving and comforting hug while he rubbed her back in circles

"I'm sorry for waking you up" Millie calmed down as she wiped her tears with her sleeve and faced Finn.

"It's okay" Finn gave a reassuring smile as he placed his hand on top of hers softly

"This always happens, I guess being in a new place makes me realize that she really is gone. I'm not in the same house where she used to live." Millie sighed, not bothering to remove her hand from under Finns

"So you'll be okay?" Finn tiredly asked as he gave out a loud yawn

"I guess" Millie quietly mumbled

"Goodnight Mills" Finn quietly said getting up and pressing a kiss against Millie's forehead

For Millie she was lucky that the room was dark, if not he would of saw her beat red face

"Finn" Millie whispered as she laid down in Finns bed

"What's wrong?" Finn worried as he turned and faced her through the dark again

"Stay with me?"

"Of course" Finn smiled as he made his way back to Millie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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