A Date?

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Meanwhile, at Dunwiddie School, Sofia's ex-teacher, Ms. Candoo, was about to make an announcement. "It's School Swap Day, class," she announced. "Let's give a warm welcome to our royal guest, Prince Hugo!"

Sofia's best friend—and boyfriend—Prince Hugo entered the classroom, excited to try something new.

"Welcome, Prince Hugo," the students greeted him.

"Thanks," Hugo smiled. "It's really nice to be here. I've always wanted to see at least something in a villager's point of view."

"I'm glad you feel that way, dear," Ms. Candoo smiled.

"Sit here, Hugo," Jade offered. "I'll be your guide."

"Thanks, Jade," Hugo smiled. "Sofia told me about the classes here. I bet they're just as much fun as they sound."

"Let's begin today's class with science," Miss Candoo said. "Take out your rock collections."

As each student took out a rock collection, Jade got one for Hugo.

"We are going to make metal objects float in thin air," Miss Candoo said. She picked up a rock, and held it over a metal spoon. When she lifted the rock up, the spoon went up in thin air. "Rocks that act like magnets are called lodestones. How fast can you find yours?"

Hugo picked up a rock and held it over a spoon. When he lifted the rock, the spoon went up with it. He was really enjoying himself.

"So, Hugo, Amber and James tell me and Ruby that Sofia is your girlfriend now," Jade said. "How did it start?"

"Oh, Sofia and I performed in a play at school, and we decided to start our relationship that way, but the first attempt was ruined by Amber, Hildegard, and Clio," Hugo explained. "But the trio fixed the mess they made, we performed the play, and Sofia finally started our relationship."

"Sounds fun," Jade smiled. "Have you gone on any dates with her?"

"We just had our usual playdates and homework dates," Hugo replied.

"No, I mean a real date," Jade told him.

That really caught Hugo off guard. He and Sofia never really thought about going on an actual date.

Meanwhile, at Royal Prep, Ruby was with Sofia in sorcery class. Ruby was doing a spell with Sofia: turning a rock into...well, a ruby.

"Sofia, Amber and James told me and Jade that Prince Hugo is your boyfriend now," Ruby said.

"Yup," Sofia confirmed.

"So what have you and Hugo been doing?" Ruby asked.

"We've been out on adventures, doing homework, and getting ready for graduation," Sofia explained.

"Have you had any dates with Hugo?" asked Princess Adara.

"Just the usual playdates and homework dates we have," Sofia said.

"I think she means a real date, Sofia," Lakshmi told her.

This really got everyone's attention. Sofia blushed as pink as her amulet. "We never really did that," she admitted. "Hugo and I never really thought about that."

"You should—if you're already grown up enough to have a boyfriend, you should be old enough to go on a date," Prince Jin told her.

Sofia never thought about that, but it was true that she's growing up. She's graduating, she has a boyfriend, and she's a grand hero in the kingdom of Avalor, which she saved from an evil sorceress who had been ruling for 41 years.

In art class, Sofia painted a picture of herself and Hugo on the night they performed in that play Cinderella and the Beauty Within. She thought about what her friends said about her going on a real date with Hugo.

"Sofia, ready to go to lunch at the Dunwiddie School?" Ruby asked.

"Ready," Sofia nodded.

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