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The year is 2007. The halls are silent here at Elk wood High School. The only noise is the sound of footsteps echoing on the lockers.

A girl peeks her head around the corner.

"Aria, it's nearly third hour! where have you been?"

The girl who had been walking down the hallway, Aria, brushed some of her hair out of her face with her hand and looked tiredly at her friend.

"I'll text you about it later Luc. It's to much for me to try to explain right at this second."

With that she walked past her without another word.

Right as she went to open the classroom door to go to class the bell rang, signifying the end of second hour.

She sighed and quickly moved away from the door back down the hallway before she got pummeled by a stampede of students ready to go to their next classes.

Aria was about to turn into the next hall to get to her class but right as she was walking by the bathroom a hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her inside.

"Why were you late to school today? You're never that late."

Aria pulled her wrist from her friend's tight grip and rubbed it, careful not to move her sleeves to far.

"Lucy, I told you I would text you later about it. You didn't have to nearly kill me pulling me through a crowd of people."

Lucy gave her an annoyed look.

"Do you honestly think I have the patience to wait that long for an explanation? If I thought it wasn't serious you know I would wait. You look horrible Aria. I just want to know what happened."

Aria stood there thinking for a second. She trusted Lucy with everything in her but this wasn't the time nor place.

"Okay, let's make a deal. Either you come to my house after school and we'll talk about it, or I'll go to your house after school and we'll talk about it. But I'm not telling you anything right now, especially in the school bathroom where anyone could be listening to our conversation."

Lucy eyed her for a second

"You promise you'll tell me if I come to your house then? You know I hate being lied to."

"I promise on my life I'll tell you later."

At that comment Lucy sighed and pulled Aria back out into the hallways. The bell had already rang. Now both of them had some explaining to do.

Aria's class was in a different hall than Lucy's so they waved each other off to their classes.

As Aria walked in her class she earned a disapproving look from her teacher.

"Care to tell me why you're late to class?"

She looked up at him.

"I'm sorry sir. I needed to go to the nurse's office. I forgot to grab a slip from her."

The teacher raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Set your stuff down and go get a tardy slip from the office, quickly."

Aria sighed and went to put her stuff by her seat before she walked to the office.

"I-i-um, I need a tardy slip please."

"Whose class?"

"Mr. Peirce's class."

The honour student at the desk scribbled down the required things on the tardy slip and sent Aria on her way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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