CHAPTER 11: Someone was behind Taichi Part. 2

Start from the beginning

Veemon: And more because from the beginning I did not want to approach you, right?

Daisuke: Yes, we can not concentrate just because we believe he was involved with what happened to Taichi-san. The truth ... is that I prefer to keep thinking that it was just a simple accident, -he said depressed while hiding his face

Takeru: We thought the same, but my brother is more angry with all this, Hikari-chan was depressed and now behaves in a more annoying way, as if the sadness was running out

Sora: And where is Hikari by the way? Did not they say he would come?

Iori: Yes, he stayed after school, it was his turn to do the grooming in his classroom

Ken: And what about Mimi-san? Will not come?

Koushiro: He did not come to classes today

Sora: But talk to her after school and she said if she would come to meet. Ah been depressed, but also worried about what happens in the Digital World

Miyako: I'll try to call her-she said taking out her cell phone


Gabumon: Yamato Why do not we better go with the others? - He said with a tone of tiredness

Yamato: I told you that you could go with them, you do not have to accompany me

Gabumon: I will not go if you do not go

Yamato was upset that he had not found a trace of Kai, the last thing he had left was to suppose that he had returned to the city where he said he came, to Shinjuku, but if he was lying, he doubted that he had returned.

I try to look for it one last time in that same park which was closed, it was with Gabumon to make one more attempt, Yamato supposed that they could have missed, something, they looked for it during the night, so that idea was quite possible.

I'm looking for since he left school, but no matter how hard he investigated the area, there seemed to be nothing and no one.

Gabumon: Yamato, it's already late-He said worried

Yamato: I know, but ... - He said something annoying

Gabumon: Do not you think you're carrying this?

Yamato: What are you talking about?

Gabumon: It's more like it seems ... he just wants to find a culprit-He said something depressed-and we already know that this guy is more related to this

Yamato: That's not ... -He said something surprised by what he said.- It's not what I want to do ... -He said very discouraged while looking at the ground.- I just want answers.

At that moment, both heard a noise, just behind Yamato, from among a few bushes and trees, they saw that among that, Moosemon came out and they watched very carefully a little girl who was on her back, sitting.

Yamato: You are ... - He said without believing it

Gabumon: You are Moosemon

Moosemon: Wow, I did not think to see them again

Yamato: It can not be. We look for them everywhere-He said very worried

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