"And also I have a special announcement to make," he said looking at me " oh my gosh , what's Malcolm trying to do"? I try to look everywhere but him.

"Sometimes life isn't fair the way we look at it, because it's the people who mean so much to us we tend to hurt or hurt us, no one can say "i'm perfect" because the world perfection doesn't just stand to entertain one, we all make mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance, but once there's a deep hole in your heart , you find it difficult to let go and just give another trial, I made That mistake, and believe me when I say i'm regretting it " Malcolm said and I couldn't help the tears that spill from my eyes , I wiped it I could see him too trying to calm himself.

" I don't know how long it will take to be forgiven, but i'm still looking forward to it and won't give up, and I advise all of you that the most important thing in marriage is the word "Trust" if that word is there then I assure you that you won't make a mistake you will regret at the end" he said and I couldn't help but cry silently.

" So that being said, the special announcement is, the Brandwine valley cooperation is making a new progress for the coming gala" he said and everyone cheered.

" And it will all have 25 percent each for the Westbrook's as the Brandwine collaboration will be between the two days firm " he said and everyone Cheered more .

" Thank you all and enjoy the night" he said before leaving the stage .

I couldn't help but feel so Terrible, Malcolm really regretted what he did and he wants me back, i'm hurting him back just because he hurt me? Rose c'mon you were never this cold hearted give him a second chance and see how it works out for you both.

We left later that night late, I was tired and Marion was already sleeping, after Malcolm spoke to his father we said our goodnight and left.

Once we reached home, I took Marion to his room and went into Malcolm's room to change my dress , well I sleep in Marion's room for now but my cloths are still in his room , i took of my heels and remove all the necessary things from my body , all I need to do now is get out of this dress and shower before going to bed .

Suddenly the zip is stuck, I tried to zip it down but it's not moving, just then the door opened and Malcolm walked in our eyes met and I suddenly felt uncomfortable, God why do I always feel like this each time he's with me .

" Um...... could...you help me with the zipper of my dress ,...it's stuck " I said nervously and he walked towards me gently I turned my back to him so he could do it, but seriously i'm feeling my heart will leap out of my chest anytime soon, he gently did it down but his hand brushed my back lightly, and I suddenly felt my heart skipped, feeling my skin tingle at the contact.

"thank you " I whispered and quickly went into the bathroom to shower escaping him before i embarrass myself , I took my time in the bathroom because, I realized  i still have feelings for Malcolm, I thought I had stopped loving him but I never did , each time he comes close to me I still feel that sensation, even if he didn't touch me , and his hand each time it touch my skin , I just want him to touch me just like before.

I can see Malcolm Really want's me back, why don't I just give him a chance, ? After so much thinking i didn't realize I've spent almost an hour well true though,i off the tap and wrapped myself around a towel before going into the bedroom, but then Malcolm was sitted on the bed, and his eyes was focused forward like he was lost in thought, I stared at his worried face and i knew something was bothering him, I moved to the closet to get my nightgown after changing, I turned to look at Malcolm who was intently staring at me , I suddenly felt shy, I don't know but only Malcolm makes me feel exposé each time he looks at me like this , his eyes was penetrating into my soul and I started filling uncomfortable, this is how he makes me feel, only Malcolm can get my heartbeat to beat this fast , he's not even touching me nor close to me but i'm already filling the heat, i could feel my nipple hard.

MalColM's  WiFe❤✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora