New Girl

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Kate's POV

I was snapped out of my thoughts of my past when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Hey sis, can I come in?" Belch spoke from the other side, "Yeah, come in" I replied. "Oh you're already ready, that's good" he said as I rummaged through my closet, flipping my long, brown hair out of my face. "Yeah, I just– I can't find my flannel, have you seen it?" "Laundry room, so I was wondering if you wanted me to give you a ride, it's your first day I don't want you getting lost" he chuckled. "Belch, I've been by your school a million times, I know where it's at. Stop making such a big deal out of it, you're more nervous than I am." I said walking downstairs to the laundry room with belch right behind me. "I'm not nervous, I just don't you running into Henry, Patrick, and Vic while I'm not around." He said getting aggravated.

I turned around as I slid my greyish black flannel over my light grey and red Led Zeppelin shirt. It was actually my brothers but I stole it a couple years ago. "Listen, I'll be fine, I'll stay away from them. And I'll pretended like we don't know each other Okay? Just like we planned." He sighed a little, "Okay". "Belch, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me" I said patting him on the shoulder. He nodded and I walked back upstairs to my room. I never wore much makeup. Just a bit to brighten my face. I wore my hair natural, because of its waviness. "I'm leaving now!" I yelled as I grabbed my stuff and slung it over my shoulder. "Sure you don't want a ride?" "I'm good" I yell back to my brother.

  Belch and I are different. He's a big guy, not really fat, but big. I'm very thin and short. We don't look that much alike either. Except for hair color. His eyes are green, mine are hazel. We like a lot of the same things though. Metallica, AC/DC, Motley Crue. There's one thing, I'm nice and shy, he is a well known bully.

Today should be interesting. I walked down the street to school, my brother passed me and honked his horn. I waved as he drove by rocking out to Metallica, I giggled and shook my head. As I approached the school, I got a little nervous. I walked up the steps and into the building. There were kids goofing off and gossiping everywhere. I had to weave my way through just to get to the office. "Excuse me, um sorry, excuse me" I politely said trying to get though but no one would budge. "Hey can you please get out of the damn way?!" I got louder. People scoffed and moved.

Damn rude ass people around here. I got to the office and they already had my schedule ready, my locker was upstairs, great I have to walk past my brother and his friends. Don't get me wrong I love my brother and we have a great relationship, but I've never met his friends, and I really don't want them to see the new girl. I walked upstairs to my locker, my first period is up here also so that's makes everything easier. I see some blonde girl smacking her gum and twisting her hair, while screaming profanities at a young girl with red hair. I rolled my eyes and kept walk. In the distance I see my brother and his friends. Damn it, I was hoping I wouldn't see them.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I mumbled. The closer I got the more nervous I got. I didn't make eye contact and just looked straight ahead. I felt all their eyes on me. "Hm, a new girl." I heard one say. "Looking hot new girl" the same voice said and laughed. I didn't say nothing I just walked on and found my locker, which was literally around the corner. But far enough those goons wouldn't bother me. I sighed as I threw my stuff in my locker, checking my schedule I have English first. I enjoy English so this shouldn't be awful. I stood by my locker until the bell rang. I should've asked someone where my class is because now I don't know where to go. I walked down the hall I was already in, and thank goodness my class was at the end because my ass didn't feel like walking all over the damn school.

I walked in and looked around for an empty seat most were taken up already. Everyone was talking until I came in, then it was all stares, I hate when people stare at me, it makes me uncomfortable and embarrassed. I smiled and tried to be friendly, some kids smiled back. The second bell rang and I looked in the back and there were a couple seats open. I walked back to one of them, and looked at the kid next to it, "is this seat taken?" I asked him politely. "Um no" he smiled back. I sat down taking my bag off, I think he might be Jewish because of his kippah on his head.

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