Step 3: Get Her Heart

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Lyrics Of The Day:

If you drop it, (whaat), just pick it up,(whaat), and grab a bad bitch and head to the club, if your a freak, (yeeah), a freak like me (yeeah) if your F-R-E-A-K yeah that's me


*Yn Pov*


•Her Room•

°3 Months Later°

WHAT'S UP MY NIGGAS!!!! lol. Let me tell you whats going on in my life. One I'm 4 months pregnant, and let me tell you I've gotten HUGE. I asked the doctor if it was normal to be this big at 4 months, he said yeah.  Also I found out the gender, IT'S A BOY!!! EEEKKK. The second thing is that me and Prince have gotten REALLY close since we talked. We're like Dora and Boots. Lol. But Trey is mad because he thinks we're getting a little to close. So I decided to hang out with him today. The sad thing Princeton is going to have to come with us, because I want Kiloni and my mom doesn't trust me with Kilo alone. So let's hope nothing bad happens. Also Roc and K'hrstyel is back together. Yeah!! I don't know why she was frontin in the first place she knew she wanted him.

The doorbell rung and ran to get it. I opened it and it was Prince and Roc.

Yn: Heeeeyyyy

Prince: Hey

Roc: hey fatty

Yn: -__-

Roc: *laughing*

K'hrstyel: ROCKYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

She ran down the stairs faster than a kid on Christmas. She jumped on him and kissed him, then that shortly turned into a make out session.

Me and Prince gave each other the 'wtf?' face.

Yn: ahem

They still were making out. I mean damn were they trying to suck each others face off.


They stopped instantly, and K'hrstyel jumped off Roc.

Roc&K'hrstyel: WHERE!!!!

Me and Prince bust out laughing.

Prince: Good one *high fives Yn*

Roc: ya'll not funny cause if Nicki Minaj was really here i would've tear that as-

Roc stopped cause he saw K'hrstyel glaring at him.

Roc: *smile innocently* love you boo

K'hrstyel: mmmhhhmmm

Just then Trey walked in.

Trey: Hey babe *kisses her on the cheek* What's this nigga doin here

He said referring to Prince.

Yn: he's coming with us

Trey: *glaring at prince* why

Yn: because I wanted Kiloni to come with us but my mom doesn't trust me so prince has to come with us

Trey: whateva let's go

Me, Trey, Prince, and Kiloni walked out the door.

Yn: when I come back i don't wanna see any babies

I said to Roc and K'hrstyel before I walked out the door.

Roc: no promises

I shook my head then walked out the door.

Trey Pov

I can't believe we got to have this Mexican nigga come with us. Tbh, I don't like him because he is always hanging around Yn, and I know they used to go out.

First we went to Manga Manga (made up) to eat. We got there and our waiter came.

Waiter: Hi I'm Chris and I'll be your waiter today, what would you like to drink.

Yn: Chris? Is your last name Rogers.

Chris: yeah. why?

Yn: I'm Yn, remember me from 8th grade

Damn how many niggas she know.

Chris: oh my gosh, damn I didn't even recognize you, you look even more sexier now

Yn: you not lookin so bad yourself

Chris: let me stop before i get fired, what y'all want to drink

Prince: coke and lemonade for the baby

Trey: root beer

Chris: *looks at Yn* let me guess, Sprite.

Yn: yep

Chris: same ol' Yn *walks away*

Trey: how did you know him and how did he know that you wanted Sprite

Yn: he was my nigga all through middle school and I've liked sprite ever since 4th grade. I always order it when I go out to eat

Trey: oh i didn't know

Prince: *mumbles* I did

Trey: no one asked you

Chris came back with our drinks.

Chris: are you guys ready to order

Trey: yea I'll have the boss burger with fries and a side of BBQ sauce for dip

Prince: I'll have the Manga Manga Wings and potato wedges on the side, with ranch for dip and chicken tenders and fries for the baby

Yn: and I'll have the loaded potato with a side of mac and cheese

Chris: coming right up

We ate and then left, and then went to Cold Stone. Yn was about to go get her ice cream but I stopped her.

Trey: No babe you go find our seats I'll get your ice cream

Yn: awww thanks

I got our ice cream then gave it to her.

Yn: what is this

Trey: your ice cream

Yn: no i hate peanut butter ice cream

Trey: then what do you like

Prince: Cookie Dough ice cream with sprinkles, gummy bears, chocolate and caramel syrup, marshmallows, white chocolate chips, and crunch

(A.N. you should try that next time you go to a make your own ice cream store it is THE BOMB)

Prince and Yn smiled at each other.

Yn: you remember that

Prince: yea you got that the day we took Aaliyah to get ice cream

Yn looked down and blushed. Does this negro not see me right

Trey: I'll get it

Yn: nah I'm good I'm still full from Manga Manga

Trey: oh ok

Ok now I officially don't like him, he think he got Yn wrapped around his finger. Nah nigga Nah.

€Prince Pov€

I totally got Yn wrapped around my finger. Yeahhhg Boiiiii. This is easier than I thought. Step 3 completed. Step 4: Get Rid Of Trey…

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