Chapter 2

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After school the next day, I went to the bikes to meet the boys, Max, and apparently the 'new girl' too

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After school the next day, I went to the bikes to meet the boys, Max, and apparently the 'new girl' too. There she was, just standing there talking like she owned the place. She seemed like a nice person but I don't understand why Mike allowed her to join straight away while Max and I had to work for his trust, which I still don't have, he just gave up on saying no after a while. I shrugged it off and went to lean on one of the bike racks when I realised Mike was walking over to me, and he did not look happy.

I pretended to not know he was there but he saw me looking. "Hey." He said with his voice raised. I looked at him and replied calmly "Uh, hey? Is there... a problem..?" His face then turned from being slightly annoyed to beyond angry. "Why would you do that?" He asked. I guess he was trying to stay calm but his face gave away his anger. I then saw out of the corner of my eye Lucas staring at me with his arms crossed. Suddenly at that moment I remembered what happened. The night before, I had gotten angry at Lucas for not letting Max have a turn on Dig Dug and lashed out, but the worst part is ...I hit him. I could tell that it was harder than I intended it to be by the bruise on his cheek.

I then looked back to Mike. "I-I.." I tried speaking, but I didn't know what to say.
"What is wrong with you?! Its just a stupid game why the hell did you slap Lucas?!" I was slightly shocked at his outburst. I knew it was coming, but I could tell it was going to be worse than I thought. "He was exculding Max, they are in a relationship! She deserves to be treated better by him!" I was getting angry now, I knew I was overreacting but I could feel the urge to slap him ten times harder than I did to Lucas right now. "It's just a game Eliza! A game!" He stepped closer to me attempting to intimidate me. "I can't believe I let you join the party! You're crazy!" Just after he said that I responded truthfully. "I'm not crazy, I'm just.. b-bipolar." I was calmer now but I immediately began regretting telling him, and now all the others know too. His expression was more scared and apologetic than angry. I decided to leave, staying here would just make things worse, but as I began walking away Mike began saying "Eliza... I'm.. I'm sorr-" I cut him off and turned around. "No! Dont apologise! I'm too crazy to be in your party, anyway!" I yelled and ran off before anyone had the chance to speak. Before I knew it I was practically running through my tears as they sped down my face. I knew one thing, though.

I could never face them again.

I could never face them again

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