Beach trouble

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Brooke ^


I took a very valuable secret from Swedish spies. Both the CIA and Sweden are out for me. I stashed the items somewhere. I'm currently on my way to Miami. I half expect to run into, none other than Michael Weston. I'm about a mile out from Miami, once there, maybe I can find a cheap apartment.

My jeans are tattered from running, I brushed my purple hair behind my ear, as I parked the now broken down car. "You must be Brooke?" The guy at the club asked. "Yes sir, I am Brooke," I commented as I saw the black dodge. "Your apartment is there," he pointed "you'll have a neighbor, but yeah." He then turned and went inside the club.

"That was brief." I thought as I opened the gate, closing it behind me. My small bag shouldered on my shoulder as I turned facing a gun. I quickly knock it out of the way, grabbing the gunman's hand. "Who are you?" Michael asked "ah, you must be, Michael Weston. I'm Brooke, your new neighbor." I introduced myself. "You can handle yourself. What are you?" He asked as he put his gun-hand down.

"Former spy burned or on the run, whichever you want," I said unlocking my door. "On the run?" He asked "yes, I stole some secrets. From the Swedish spies, cause I was told too, then backstabbed." He nodded. "Interesting," he comments "very interesting." I nodded.

Sam Axe came down the stairs of Michael's apartment. "Ah, hello!" He waved his hand at me "Sam, this is Brooke, Brooke this is Sam Axe." Michael introduced us "hi, Sam." He smiled politely "hi!" They helped me get settled. "Now ima have to find something to do, for income." I commented "become our partner! We help people." Sam mentioned sipping his beer. "If y'all are okay with it." I looked at them, Michael nodded.

They said their farewells, and let me get relaxed. My bag laid next to the door, my gun laid on the little nightstand. I noticed that this place must have been used by a drug dealer. I cleaned a little, as I there wasn't much to clean. I groan, looking around the place. "Something is missing," I said to myself as I noticed I needed a few posters.

I walked outside locking my door. "Hey Sam, think you can give me a lift to the store?" I asked as he was sitting outside getting some sun. He looked at me "Sure thing!" He went and got Michaels keys. We then got in, and he pulls away from the club. "So, what're the secrets?" He asked "oh, just government documents. Wars, political, Money." I shrugged.

We got to the store, sunny day to be out and about. "It won't take me long." He nods and I run into the store, my heels clicking. I grab a handheld cart. I grab some hanging lights, posters, candles, some food, and softer pillow. I paid with the money I had and that I found on the way here. I came back and put the bags in the trunk. When some girl came running up to me. "Help me!" She screamed.

My eyes widen, as her cold hands gripped my sleeved arm. "My daughter! She's been kidnapped! Please!" Her voice is loud, and it's causing a scene. Sam looked at her. "Get in," I said, letting her in. "Calm down. Slow down. Now tell us what happened." I said my body turned to face her as Sam drove. I already Sam and Michaels number on my phone. "Me and my daughter, Abbie, we were at the beach having a girls day out. I turn my head for a second! And when I turn back she as gone, I searched and searched but I couldn't find her." She explained.

"The police." I said "no! I found a note. They said if I get a cop, that they'll kill her." That's just lovely that she finds me and assume. "Well, ma'am, we will do everything we possibly can," I said gritting my teeth. We dropped her off at her place and went back home. "Brooke, really?" Michael said as he and Sam helped me unload and put everything up.

"Well, she can't get the police," I say placing my hand on my hip "and I don't see the problem that I can't have my first client. But I'd need help as well." Michael looked at me, with a sigh he nodded. "Okay, what're her daughters name again?" Michael asked, "Abbie." I said smiling triumphantly.

"Here," I say handing him her number "call her and get the details from her about her daughter." I grab my bag. "And as for me, ima do some online search." Sam came over and leaned against the counter. Michael was sitting on my bed. I started typing, hacking into systems. Cameras are near those beaches, if I can get into them, we may be able to find who grabbed Abbie.

"She said, that Abbie has medium blonde hair, and she was wearing a flower pattern two-piece." I nodded, looking at the camera feed. After what seemed like hours of watching. I pointed to the screen "there!" I saw the guy who grabbed her, but just not his face. "Jesus, he must know the camera angles." I groan.

I study that picture with my life. "He looks to be, 6'1 and maybe 170 - 190 pounds early forty to mid-forty," I said Sam and Michael looked at me impressed. "Now, the only thing we have to do is find someone with the description and find Abbie," I say smiling. "Let's go to the beach, shall we?" We headed for the door.

•at the beach•

We parked and started to walk to the scene. We looked around the spot where they were at. I didn't see anything, abnormal. "Why would someone kidnap her? Her mom didn't seem anything of importance." I stared at the sand "usually, higher value people are more at risk." Sam looked around.

I knelt as I saw something sparkle in the sand. "I found a bracelet," picking it up, we stared at it "not something that Abbie wears, didn't see anything jewelry," I remarked. The bracelet was real diamonds and silver. I'm saying, 300 dollars or more worthy. This is seeming to be impossible to find clues, after hours of combing through the sand, and following the quick flee route he took. We found absolutely no clues. "What the hell?" I groaned pulling my hair out of my face.

Does everything seem so hard when they do this? "May I help Y'all?" A guy said and we turned. I froze and looked at him. "Actually, you may be able to." I gave them a look and they gave me agreeing one. This dude matches the guy in the camera. "What may I help y'all with?" He asked confused, but I know he knows. "Yeah, um, I have a simple question." I looked up at the man, as he stood their hands in pocket.

Michael had his hand behind him, as well as Sam. "What is it?" He asked getting curious. "A girl, between the age 9 - 12, blonde hair. Was with her mom here today, around 10 - 11 ish. By, any chance, did you see her?" I asked as he started to get fidgety. Usually, that's the sign of a person who did a crime. "I'm sorry, I didn't see her or anyone fitting that." He said quickly, his face flushed. "Is that so? Then why are you getting jumpy?" I asked, preparing myself. "I don't know what you say ~" he cut himself as he started running.

It didn't end too well, as I expected his reaction. I kicked him in the gut as he ran past me. I knelt down to his pained form. "Now, where is Abbie?" I asked more impatient than I was at the beginning.


He told us where she was. We rushed to the storage buildings, where he had her at. We got her and took her to her mom. "Here, take this." She handed me cash. I thanked her when we got in the car. "1,500." I counted. "Let's split it." We took what we did for the money. We went home, the sun was already down and the street lights were on.

"Night Brooke!" Michael called out, "night, Michael!" I closed my door and kicked my shoes off. I slipped on some PJs and laid down. I was extremely exhausted. I fell asleep instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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