CHAPTER 10: Someone was behind Taichi Part. 1

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Moosemon: That seed is there for a long time, at some point they were able to catch the disease while they were there, I likewise, my friends too, it does not matter if we are in their human world, if the growth of the seeds does not stop, we will all be lost

Koushiro: Does Gennai-san know any of this?

Kai: Who?

Moosemon: I have a digimon friend who is with him now and decided to tell him about this, his other digimon friends may also find out and can prevent other digimon in other islands or continents

Miyako: Yes, they should prevent anything in case those seeds are already in those places - she said worried

- Wow, it seems you've made friends already, have not you, Kai-chan? - Said a voice behind everyone, when they turned to see, they saw Witchmon on a tree

Kai: They are not my friends-He said annoyed

Yamato: Kai-chan? - He said laughing

Kai: Shut up

Witchmon: Are you the Chosen Children? - He said when he noticed that everyone had a digimon

Miyako: Yes Who are you?

Witchmon: I'm a friend of Moosemon and Kai, my name is Witchon

Kai: Let them say that they are my friends, they are rather child-minded-He said more angry

Witchmon: That reminds me. Your sisters are worried about you, it's already late, it's better to leave, -he said to Kai

Ken: I understand why you tell them babysitters

Moosemon: You guys must go, you should not even be here together with Kai

Hikari: But, you said that we could somehow protect him, right? What were you talking about? Are they involved in this?

Witchmon: Protect him and his sisters

Kai: Shut up

Moosemon: I'm sorry, but we do not have anything to do with you, we just want you to save the Digital World - He said as he left, along with Kai and Witchmon, among the trees in the park

Takeru: I understand what they want us to do for the Digital World, but what about Yamada-san? - He said confused and worried

Patamon: It seemed like he was in trouble

Tentomon: Of course he is. Now we know that your mother is planning something bad

Sora: Do you think that explains why he behaved like that? I do not think it was because we thought he looked like Taichi

Yamato: Is it because of his mother? I do not think so-he said something annoying

Gabumon: But he did not want anyone to come near him, it could be because he was afraid they knew something about his family

Sora: That would also explain why he said he would leave. Do not you think? He said we would not see him again

Mimi: But that does not justify being an idiot, -she said angrily.

Hikari: But, even if it's like that, it's clear that he's in trouble -he said something annoying- He may not be a Chosen Child, but his digimons friends need us and I am very convinced that Yamada-san asked us for help

Takeru: Do you want to help him?

Hikari: I think we should support him even if he does not seem to want to

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