Chapter two ~ Life Goes On

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~Harrys Prov~

Finally, my shift was over and I was able to leave but Anna the girl who normally took over from me had not come in on time so I had to work ten extra minutes. Whilst she got ready Draco was still there occasionally looking over at me I was wondering if he was going to do something when I wasn't looking. Ron, Hermione and Ginny were waiting patiently for me occasionally shooting a sidewards glance a Malfoy. Finally, Anna got here and took over from me so I ran around the back to grab my bag coat. Then we headed to the Burrow.

I hadn't even stepped I to the house when I was enveloped in a warm hug from Mrs Weasley. Soon she pulled away and said what I had expected "Oh Harry look at you, come on in you could do with a bit of fattening up!" And with that, she ushered us all inside I always enjoyed going over to the Weasleys after work they had always treated me like a proper family and it was a lot better than going to my grotty old apartment.

~Dracos Prov~

Harry had left now I could relax Potter had left along with the blood traitors and Granger they kept giving me an award side glance as if I was up to something. I don't entirely blame them after what I had done but I guess it was harder to see that I never wanted that the dark mark I had wanted Potter to win all along couldn't they see my father had forced this on me. But well I guess that they wouldn't forgive me for how I've treated them anyway. The coffee shop felt quirt after Harry and his friends had left, we hadn't talked but I had enjoyed his presence, as I don't see many people from Hogwarts much and I can't talk to my parents as they are locked up in Azkaban. As I left and thought to my self maybe if I come back tomorrow at the same time I could see Harry again I smiled at that idea I don't know why. Was it possible I wanted to start over as now I finally had the power to do so without my parents breathing down my neck.

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