Chapter 1 (the begining)

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I got out of the car and stood looking at the beautiful house that was now ours.
*I wish mom and dad were here to share this moment with us*
I thought to myself.

My Forrester parents died in a car accident 3 three years ago. I didn't know my real parents and with the ones who took me in being dead all I have left is Trey.

Trey is my Forrester brother but since I grew up with him he's more like my real brother.

After the death of our parents we were devastated and after 3 three years of grieving, we finally decided to move to a town call Spellman Hills.

I smiled looking at Trey as he took our stuff out of the car. I'm really blessed to have such a great big brother.

We walked into the house and it looked just perfect.

"Wow,are you sure we're in the right place?" I questioned.

"We sure are Mel." Trey smiled looking around.

"Okay, let's get settled in then we must tour the house" Trey said sounding as excited as a little kid on Christmas morning.

I nodded and we went to find our rooms to get settled in.


After what seemed like forever we finally finished unpacking.
I made my way down stairs meeting Trey in the living room.

"Ready to tour big brother?" I questioned standing with my arms fold.
"Hell yes!" He shouted sprinting to the kitchen. I followed behind giggling at his action.


"Pew! Our new house really is something." I stated still gazing around.

"Lets have a house warming, to make it official." Trey blurted out.

It was already getting close to bed time, and I was really tired.

"Sure Trey, you and I will warm this house. In case you forgotten we just moved here, we don't know anyone around here." I said air quoting you and I.

"Hmm your right little sister, I guess we'll just have to see about that."

Before I could protest looking at his devilish smirk,
He stated in just one breath,
"You have this first week of school to make some friends and invite them over, I'll do the same at work."

I knew better than to argue with Trey so I hesitantly shook my head even tho I knew that failure was where I was heading.

Dinner was filled with jokes about random stuff that could happen at my first day of school.
While conversing we decided on going to the mall tomorrow, since it was the last day before school reopens.

I lay on my bed thinking about school. I was going to be the new sinour and I hated being the new kid.

"Fuck." I cursed myself at the thought.

I took my phone replying to messages from my friends back home.
After that I dosed off in to a dreamless asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound off my name being called.

"Melissa, what the hell are u gonna sleep all day." Trey shouted from the other side of the door.

"No, just one more hour." I said blocking my face with the pillow.

"You know it's 2:35 right, are we canceling the mall today?" Trey questioned.

I crawled out of bed realizing what he said.

"Meet me at the car in half." He said before I heard his footsteps trailled off.

After 10 minutes of taking a shower I went into my clothes to find something to wear.
I decided on wearing my dark blue jeans shorts and my white lolly-pop vest along with my multi-colored Jordan's.
I applied a small amount of make up and I put my hair into a messy bun with small strands falling out.
I put on my thin hoop earrings and my ankle charm.
Taking one more glance in the mirror I looked at the way my clothes hugged my body
*Dam I'm sexy I thought to myself *

I grabbed my phone leaving my room, got into the car and we left for the mall.

The car ride was more like a joy ride, we sang to the radio music all the way to the mall.

On getting to the mall Trey gave me a satisfied amount of money and told me to meet him at the donut shop in front of the mall in an hour, we then separated.

I shopped around a bit and before I knew it and hour had passed. I headed over to the donut shop and decided to buy us donut since Trey was not here yet.

Standing in line I was bumped into by three girls, the impact cause me to fall but something broke my fall.
I jumped realizing what I feel on.

Turns out I feel on the guy standing behind me in the line and my booty landed right on his private area.

"S-s-sorry." I stuttered getting back to my feet.

"Dam shorty, you must wanna give me a ponner." The guy said smiling.

I ignored his statement and turned my forcuse to the three girls that pushed me.
"Bitch, you just pushed me!" I shouted to there faces.

"Oh yea and what are you gonna do about it?" The one in the middle questioned.

I was about to knock her the fuck out when I felt my hands being pulled away. I looked up to see my brother Trey.

"Trey she pushed me." I stated claiming myself.
"When we get home Mel." Was all he said clearly upset about the whole scene.

The car ride was silent and I dare not break it.
On arriving home Trey finally spoke.
"Look little sis I know some girls can be bitches but you gotta learn to ignore them or your gonna get in trouble, I love u little sis but please stay out of trouble remember we live here now." He explained hugging me.

"I'm sorry Trey." Was all I could say.


Dinner was simple we had mac and cheese with strawberry ice-cream for dessert.

After my night bathe I sat on my bed in my blue pjs thinking about the scene at the mall today.

I would have beaten her so badly if Trey didn't come when he did.
I would have probably gotten arrested or maybe worse cause blacks don'treally like white and she's white .

I shook my head at the thought, I set my alarm clock and fell asleep shortly after.

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