Chapter 2

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I observe and remain silent - Elizabeth I of England

I toss and turn hearing the music. I'm debating on shouting at the boys to keep the music down. I pull the covers to my chin. I don't remember falling asleep in bed, I was in the chair reading.

My eyes bolt open.

It takes time for my eyes to adjust to the dimmed light, as my eyes focus all I see is a gold sheet and blue blanket covering me. I look up and see a four-poster bed above me.

This must be a dream.

The music continues in the background, I slowly sit up and see my surroundings, my hands shaking finally realizing this might not be a dream.

This bedroom is almost as big as my flat, high ceilings with gold detail covered in red, stone walls covered in biblical tapestries. Outside I hear laughing and music but all that noise is drowned out by the beating of my heart, by now I'm freaking out, how did I get here? This is probably some practical joke from Jack and Layton.

I get out of bed, thankful that I'm still wearing my jeans and blouse and I see my bag next to me on the floor. It would be a bit awkward if I wasn't wearing anything. As I step out of the bed I walk over to the dressing table, look in the mirror thankful that I still look myself, blonde curls, freckles, and tall, as always.

I suddenly hear laughing come from outside the door, I run to hide behind the dressing table. As I crouch down I can feel my heart hammering in my chest. What do I do? Should I go there and ask where I am? How did I get here? My palms are sweating and my breathing is short and quick. I realize nobody is coming through the door. I slowly stand up and make my way towards the door, hoping the Layton will be out there with some form of joke surprise for me.

As I reach the door, I notice the handles are unusual, round with a rose in the middle, made of gold. I have seen these before, and only in one place, Hampton Court Palace.

I step back in disbelief; how could I have ended up here? Am I going mad?

I step forward again and slowly open the door as quietly as possible, I take a quick look outside. I see two men who look like guard's march past me with their backs to me, with uniforms of white, gold and red, top hats with feathers and swords in their sheath strapped to their belts, I take a heavy gulp. They stop I turn away with my back to the door, trying to listen.

''The King and Queen are ready for their arrival in the main hall, make sure the guests are ready'' one guard orders.

''Yes Sir,'' I heard footsteps and then nothing.

The King and Queen?

Do they mean Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip? He's not a King given, maybe they got mixed up. But, what is the queen doing here in the evening? What if the Queen goes into this room?

It's best if I leave the room find some help, then maybe I can get a bus back to the flat.

As I go to open a door a hear a thud on the dressing table, I startle and slowly walk over to the dresser and see the book placed in the middle, 'The Curse Of Henry VIII', more like the joke of Kora Darlington. I open the book and see all the pages are blank except one chapter. Confused I sit on the bed and read.


Dear Kora,

You are probably bewildered about this situation.

Therefore, I thought I would shed some light on your situation.

The date is the 10th of January 1536, you are currently in an unattended bedroom in Hampton Court.

Currently, Anne Boleyn, Queen of England is pregnant with the Kings son. You are the cure to the king's curse. The king will never feel true love if he carries on and marries all six wives. He must find true love. This will be his son. As you know the Queen will miscarry on the 29th of January from witnessing the King together with Jane Seymour. It is your job to stop this.

While you're in court you will tell everyone you're an explorer. You were brought up on the waters discovering new worlds.

You have until March 1st, the day after the Queen is due to give birth until you go back to your own era of 2018.

May God, bless you my child



This must be a dream. Won't be the first one I've had of this kind. I go back to the bed, get under the duvet and close my eyes. I think hard of my bedroom and open my eyes. My reflection in the mirror looks back on my still. I pinch myself and it hurt.... now the realization sets in. This is real.

I get out of the bed with tears in my eyes wondering how I got myself into this mess. I shouldn't have trusted that email by Elizabeth. But, there were two things on my mind, who is Elizabeth? But most importantly, I get to meet Henry.

As I pace the floor I hear more people outside, if this is real then I need to get ready quickly. Starting with my outfit, I don't think jeans and ballerina shoes have been invented yet. I walk over to the wardrobe, open it up and see all these amazing gowns, on the back of the wardrobe door is a note.


These gowns and dresses are yours. Use them as you wish.



I choose a navy-blue gown with gold detailing. As I undress I hide my clothes behind the dresser in case any servants come into my room. As I put on my undergarments, corset, gown, small heeled shoes, and what seems to be a traveler belt I notice something isn't right.

I look in the mirror, I must do with my face and hair. Since my hair is naturally curly I see a hairpin on the dresser with a white rose, it glints in the candlelight and the gold trims shine in my eyes. I pull the sides of my hair back to get it out of my face and clip it with the pin. But, there's one problem, I am wearing to much makeup for this era. I remember I have some wipes in my bag, I go over and fetch them thankful everything that was in my bag has travelling with me here... to whatever here or this is.

As I wipe all the makeup off my face I touch up with a bit of red lip balm and lightly coat my lashes. Hopefully it won't attract to much attention. Then I remember, I had cash in my purse. As I rummage through my bag I can't seem to find my purse I lift my bag onto the bed and it is almost too heavy for me to carry. As I struggle to get it onto my bed and rummage again I realize the bottom of my bag isn't the bottom at all. But, a sack. I struggle to pull the sack out and open it.... It's full of coins. This must be at least a thousand or two. Inside there is a smaller sack, most probably for day to day. I put five pounds and a few shillings and pence into the sack and tie it onto my belt. I struggle to pick up the sack of money and I put it behind the dresser along with my clothes. I take a final look in the mirror and hope all my reading is accurate and that I don't look odd.

I walk towards the door, take a breath and open. As I look around I am in the main corridors which lead to the king's private chambers, from what I remember of my tour back in 2017, or should I say in the future 2017. I still feel my heart hammer in my chest, as I look around the palace is illuminated with candles, from the chandeliers to the long tall holders. Not a single area is shadowed. All the walls are covered in portraits, as I walk along the corridor I notice a portrait of the late Henry VI, the painting looks brand new, more vibrant than when I last saw it, well in the future. I hear laughing and singing down at the end of the corridor, I follow the noise. Before I reach the door, I hear marching behind me. The room goes silent.

'Ladies and Gentleman, His Majesty the King.' The crowed applauds, as the doors open I quickly move to the side. I see the Kings guards come around the corner and come towards me. I see everyone else bow and I curtsy with my head down. The Guards feet stop before me. I look up and all I see is blue piercing eyes staring right at me. Henry. 

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