First Day!!!

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N/n = Nick name
Y/n = Your Name

Your P.O.V

I jumped out of bed excited to go to school. I went to the bathroom and brushed my h/c hair. I put a bow on both of my e/c ears and my e/c tail.
I went to my sisters door and knocked hard.
"KAWAII CHAN LETS GO I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE LIKE LAST TIME!!" I yelled while hitting her door.
"Give Kawaii Chan a second!" She yelled back.
"IT DOES NOT TAKE SO LONG TO PUT ON YOUR UNIFORM, BRISH YOUR HAIR, BUT YOUR BOW AND GRAB YOUR BAG!" I sat by her door. I heard a clink on the other side of the door.
"Ok Kawaii Chan is ready."
"Ok KC let's go have toast!"
"Ok Y/n Senpai!"
We went downstairs to grab toast and ran to school. On our way we saw Katlyn.
"Wait KC don't call her ove—!"
"Hi Kawaii Chan! Oh it's you..."
"Hi to you too Katlyn."
"Yeah whatever...So Kawaii Chan!" Katlyn grabbed my sister and pushed me out of the way. I sighed and turned to see a boy blushing.
He gasped and hide his face in his books.
"Umm are you ok—"
"KASEY GET AWAY FROM HER!" Katlyn pushed me towards the wall. I grunted and sighed. Katlyn pulled the boy and I heard her say, "Kasey you know you aren't allowed to speak with HER."
I sighed and thought, 'what would have happened if I knew he was with her?'
I grabbed the books that fell on the floor and left.


I sat next to Blaze and sighed.
( by the way Blaze is your best friend)
Blaze looked at me and spoke, "Are you thinking about that situation again?"
"Hey come on N/n you know it wasn't your fault. You didn't know he was dating her!"
"Yeah but if I did I would have said no! Now she hates me and won't let me hang with our other friends and she won't even let me hang out with my own sister!!"
"N/n you have me, Kai, Rylan, Dottie, Daniel and that emo guy....I forgot his name..."
"His name is Zane...."
"See you have other friends! You don't have to worry about them!"
"Your right Blaze! Thanks I needed this talk. *hugs Blaze* You are my bestest friend ever!!!!"
"Oh N/n tell me something I don't know! ;3"
I laughed because he knew that face always puts a smile on my face.
"Are we gonna sit together at lunch?"
"Sorry N/n but I have to stay here and finish my essay..."
"Oh ok! That's fine as long as you get good grades!"
"Thanks! Well we should hush now..I will talk to you at chemistry!"
"Sure thing Borky pants!"

At Lunch

I went to get my lunch which is most cupcakes or cookies. I sat at the table with my other friends.
"Psst Y/n" Kai whispered in my ears.
"What is it Kai?" I whispered back
"Who is that boy staring at you."
I looked up to see that blue haired boy again. I smiled and gave him a little wave. He blushed and looked away.
"Awww he's so cute!!" I squealed.
I guess he must of heard me because his face went red and Katlyn gave me a death glare.
"Eh he is not that cute. Anyway Y/n you wanna hang out after school?" Kai blushed.
"Sorry I can't Kai I promised Blaze I would by him Mc Donald's...don't ask.."
"Oh...*mumbles* lucky him..*cough anyway we would hang out sometime! Maybe tomorrow?"
"Hey Y/n....I uhh...I lik—"
Before he could finish his sentence the bell rang.
"Yay gym! Bye Kai!"


I went to the changing rooms and changed into my P.E clothes. When I got there I saw the blue haired boy sitting under the bleachers.
Maybe I should go say hi!
I walked up to him and when I was going to say hi I felt someone push me and squeal.
What happened next made me so red...

Here is the first chapter of the new book! Yes I will be working on both! I will not give up on the other story. I hope you have a good day. BYE!!!

A Secret Friendship <Kasey x Female!Reader>Where stories live. Discover now