A Dream Of Shadows

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Summer break was coming up fast. There was only two weeks left of school. Me and  Angle already had it planned out to spend a lot of time with each other this summer. We'll be to a lake house that my parents own.

As 'm heading to gym Angle walks up beside me in the hall. "Are you ready for gym" she said with a smile. "Yes I am I wounder what we'll be  doing today" I said back. "Our luck we'll be taking fitness tests" she said while giggling. Bad thing is she isn't lying. Yes i like gym but i hated fitness tests. Starts giggling "yeah that would be our luck wouldn't it" 

We got to the gym right as the bell rang. "that was close you two" the coach said as we walked in. "yeah sorry about that coach I know you want us to be here before the bell" I replied. The fitness test was surprisingly easy only thing we had left was the mile run. So we went out side to a red rubber track that rapped around the football field. 8th grade went all at once. Me and Angle had the same time at 7.01 witch was the top in the 8th grade. 

By the time gym was done it was time for school to be out. Me and Angle walked back up to the school to get our bags out our lockers and then we walked home together. As we are walking home something popped up in my mind. "Hey Angle you and I both know that I know your vampire." I said. She look at me and said. "Yeah what about it." I looked down and replied "What if I was to ask you to turn me". "Well I would say yes if I could but I'm not able to." I looked at her "how come your not able to". She looked down and sighed. "I'm not strong enough." She said. 

We walked up to my house and my mom was waiting at the door. She walked out and said "welcome home sweetie how was school?" I looked up at her. "it was good i guess." She then looked at Angle."How are you doing Angle?" she asked. "I'm doing okay thanks for asking". Than me mom asked "so are you staying for dinner Angle?" Angle looked at me and then said "I need to go check and see with my parents and see if its okay but i don't see why they would have a problem with it." and then I woke up to realize i was on summer vacation.

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