Starting Over- chapter 2

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Hey guys, here is the second chapter for 'Starting Over.' Thank you so much to those who read and reviewed chapter 1- your feedback really means a lot to me! <3 <3

In this chapter, Owen and Amelia get to know each other better and give their relationship a fresh start.

Owen's POV

I feel as if I'm working on autopilot for the whole day. I do my job as usual- reviewing every single patient that comes in the ER with precision and referring them to the appropriate department. However, I keep on glancing at my watch in between reviewing patients. Time seems to pass extremely slowly today.

'Do you have a date? 'April asks, winking at me as I lean over the nurses counter after reviewing a middle-aged lady with persistent headaches. I have just paged Amelia down to the ER for a neuro consult.

'How do you know?' I ask as I raise my eyebrows at her.

'We;;, judging from the way you keep on looking at your watch.' April answers, giving me another wink. ' So who is this lucky person?'

Before I can answer her, Amelia barges in the ER, short of breath. She looks like she has been running a marathon.

'Ooh I see- enjoy your date.' April whispers into my ears as she pats me on the shoulder.

Amelia walks right up to us.

' Hey- where's the patient? 'she asks as her arm inadvertently brush against mine, causing a tingling sensation down my spine.

For a moment, I am tongue-tied as she stands in front of me, looking straight me with her bright blue eyes.

I manage to regain my composure just in time to reply her in a calm voice, which doesn't depict the palpitations I'm feeling inside.

' Patient is in bed 6 over there., Mrs.Patterson. She has been complaining of persistent headaches. I think she would benefit from a neuro consult.' I say as I point towards the direction of the bed. 'I'm thinking she might need an MRI..' I add as I hand Amelia the patient's chart.'

We exchange a quick smile before she walks over to the patient's bed.

As soon as Amelia walks away from us, April leans in closer to me.

'So she's your date tonight.' she says matter-of-factly. It isn't even a question, it's a declaration.

'Yes. 'I answer, in a tone of voice which hints that the answer is obvious.

'That's good! I'm so glad for the two of you. At least you both are making the effort to start anew. I think Jackson and I are beyond salvation.' April says as she sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

I remain silent as I try to come up with an appropriate answer for her.

I am really rooting for April and Jackson to get back together, for both their sakes and for Harriet's sake.

' In all honesty, I'm rooting for you both.' I finally say.

Before April can reply, another trauma comes in and she rushes over to attend to the patient, leaving me alone again at the nurses counter.

15 minutes later- Amelia appears from behind the curtain and walks towards me, spotting me still at the nurses counter. I am taking a short break after having reviewed patients non-stop for the entire morning.

'I am ordering a head CT for Mrs. Patterson .' she informs. 'I want to rule out a brain tumor or ischaemic stroke.''

'I know.' I reply as I smile smugly at her.

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