"Y-Y/N," I croaked, my voice cracking.

"Well, Y/N, I bet you're wondering what the shuck is going on."

I managed a small nod.

"Y/N," he continued, "you've just received a one-way-ticket into the glade.  What you're feeling, greenie, that you can't remember anything, we've all felt.  We've all woken up in this box, scared and confused, and we could only remember our shuck names.  Those bastards, the Creators, send up a new greenie each month.  This month that's you.  Congratulations."  He paused, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip.  "This place, its called the glade.  We grow our own food, and build our shelter.  We can pretty much provide everything we need, but everything else we can't, the Box provides.  See all these crates around you?  It's our supplies."  He took a deep breath and stood up.  "Whadya say, greenie?  Wanna get out of here and take a look around?"

He held out a hand, and I hesitantly took it.  He helped me climb out, and what I saw was not what I expecting.  Huge, towering walls surrounded me, with four small openings.  Around me, there was a large grassy area with a small, rickety building.  A small forest sat in one of the edges, and a cluster of hammocks sat by the building.  There were a few small buildings scattered around, and a field fill of plants and greens.

Newt spoke from behind me.  "Quite the little place we got set up, eh?  All on our own."

"What's out there?"  I asked, looking through the opening of the giant walls.

He walked up and stood next to me, and I noticed that he had a limp.  I didn't really give it a second thought, because I had bigger issues at hand right now.

"I see you finally found your voice."  He mused.  Sighing, he turned towards me.  "We only have three rules here.  First, do your part.  We're all in this together, all in the same boat.  Teamwork is the only way any of this works.  Secondly, never harm another glader.  Without trust, we would all be in ruins.  And finally, Y/N, never go outside those walls.  Ever."

"Why not?"  I turned towards Newt.  "Why can't we leave?"

"S'not safe."

I crossed my arms.  "What's not safe about it?  What's even out there?"

Newt suddenly clapped his hands together.  "Okay.  Enough questions for now.  Let's go find Thomas, last month's greenie."  (A/N:  Yes, I'm changing the plot from the story so it will flow with the story more)  He hurried off, leaving me behind.

I ran after him.  "Newt!  Why won't you answer my questions?"  I caught up with him, but he kept walking ahead, towards the rickety building.  "Newt!"

Ignoring my questions, he went inside, and I had not choice but to follow.  The door creaked, and the house made such a moaning sound that I thought it was going to topple over.

Inside, a couple boys stood there.  They were all staring at me, making me very uncomfortable.  

"Any of you guys seen Thomas?  He's gotta give her the official tour."

"Yeah," one of them said, "He's upstairs with Clint and Jeff.  Cut his knee up pretty bad today out there."

Newt must have noticed them looking at me, because he put an arm in front of me.  "Hey, shuck-off Slintheads.  Stop making googly eyes and leave her alone.  Those Creators didn't send her up here for your amusement.  She's in just as much klunk as us."

The boys muttered a few things under breaths, and directed their attention back to whatever they were doing previously.

"Follow me," he said, shaking his head.  He started his way up the steps, creaking under his weight.  I hesitated, because they looked really unstable.  

He saw me still at the bottom, and laughed.  "Come on, greenie.  If they don't give out under me, they're certainly not gonna give out under you.  Show us a little trust."

I set my worry aside and followed him up.  "You want me to trust you guys after I woke up in a box with no memory and surrounded by strangers, all who happen to be boys?"

He grinned at me.  "Yeah, I guess that's asking a lot."  Turning, he lead me to a door, revealing three boys.  "Hey Clint, Jeff.  Mind if I borrow Thomas?"

"So this is the new girl-greenie everyone keeps talking about."  The boy turned to me.  "I'm Clint, and this is Jeff."  He motioned to the kid beside him.

"Hey," was all Jeff said.

Newt cleared his throat, causing the attention in the room to turn back to him.  "You're all bandaged up there, Tommy?  It's your turn to give the tour."

Thomas stood up, putting more pressure on his good leg.  "Yep.  I'm ready to go."

Thomas lead me outside and into the open glade.  "I'm sure Newt's already told you everything, like how we got here and all that klunk."  His dark brown hair was matted to his head with sweat, regardless of the hot wind blowing around.  "Basically, we got four main areas here."  He motioned to the section of trees.  "That's Deadheads, wouldn't recommend hanging out there.  Gives me the creeps.  Although, there is a nice little pond over there- good for thinking.  Over there's the fields, where we grow our food.  That building there is the bloodhouse, where Winston chops up all of our piggies and stuff.  And then we have the Homestead, where we just were."  He turned to me, putting his hands on his hips.  "And then, we got the jobs.  Slicers, Cooks, Track-hoes, Med-Jacks, like Clint and Jeff, Sloppers, Builders, and a few more small ones.  Tomorrow, you'll try out for some, and one'll stick.  Always does."

"And what do you do?"

"I, uh," He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm a Runner."

I played with the ends of my H/C hair.  "A Runner?  What's that?"

He muttered something under his breath, looking back towards the homestead.  "Okay, I remember being a greenie, and how frustrating it can be to not get answers.  Just promise you won't make the same mistakes I did, ok?"

"Depends on what the mistakes are."

"Well, Y/N, as a Runner, I explore the maze everyday."

That caught my attention.  "Maze?  What maze?"  I looked out towards the big openings.  "Is that what's out there?"

Thomas sighed.  "Bingo."

I looked hopelessly at him.  "So we're stuck here?"

"For the moment."

"Why is it so dangerous to be in the maze?  I mean, it's just walls, right?"

"Wrong.  Every night, those walls close.  That keeps us safe."

A newfound curiosity found its way into my mind.  "Safe from what?"

His expression told me that he was not joking around.  "We call them grievers.  They're these nasty monsters that live out in the maze, at night, and are deadly.  If you get stung by one and you don't get back to the glade in time, it's game over, greenie."


"Yep."  He said, popping the 'p'.  He started walking back to the Homestead.  "Well, let's get your sleeping arrangements in order.  Alby said that he wanted you in a room in the homestead, because he thinks that's a better idea than having you sleep out with the boys.  There's a lock on it and everything, and he's just down the hall if you need him."

"Sounds good."

He turned around to face me, excitement filling his eyes.  "And, we're having a bonfire tonight.  We do one for each new greenie."

"I'm right here, Love."  TMR Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now