"Nia... I need to tell you something." I whisper her over. She comes and presses her ear to my lips. "I think I'm in love." I say feeling dizzy.

"Are you high?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "I complained to the nurse about 'pain' and she gave me morphine." I laugh.

"Does he know?" Nia asks pointing to Gable who is now standing beside me.

"Which part?" I chuckle.

"Both." She says. I shake my head at her and it feels so heavy it flops back onto the pillow. "Well rest up. You can go home tomorrow." She smiles walking over to one of the couches.

"Already. It was like 2 days ago." I say.

"They said as long as you stay off it till they can take the stitches out that you can go home. And this time I'm taking a leave of absence and stay with you." She sounds excited.

"Are you gonna stay with me, you big hunk." I say feeling the effects of the morphine.

"I'm gonna be with you every step on the way." Gable says kissing my forehead.

"Yay..." I say falling back to sleep.

Gables POV:

"May I speak to you." I whisper to Nia whose eyes are still wondering on Alexa.

"Sure." She says stepping into the hallway with me.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask her. "Are you ready to not walk out on her. Are you ready to physically be there with her EVERY step of the way."

"I'm her best friend. Of course I'm ready." She says offended.

"I don't think your completely sure. You left completely when she had her first meltdown. You left her. I was there... I was there when she couldn't move her leg. I was there when she had nightmares about the havoc. I was there when she threw up and I'm the one who cleaned it up. So are YOU ready?!"

"Gable. I walked away because I was going through something of my own-."

I cut her off. "There is no your own thing. You think I wanted to quit my career to babysit. Hell no but I did it cause I'm in love with her." I say. The last part comes out so easily.

"Okay. I got it. I'm ready." She looks down at her feet.

"But one thing is it that you will have support from me. Ill help you and Alexa through this." I say rubbing her arm for reassurance.


"Is it Time yet?" Alexa says.

"You've asked me 10 times in the past two minutes. You still have an hour before the doctor arrives." Nia rolls her eyes, laughing.

"Actually I knew she'd be running out of here so I figured I could get a head start today." She doctor laughs coming in.

"Can I Go Home?!" Alexa says beaming.

"Let me check your stitches and you can be on your way." He smiles.

"Check Away!" Alexa says taking the blanket off her leg.

The doctor lifts the huge piece of gauze attached by tape off her leg.

"Looks good. I think your ready to go home." He smiles and leaves the room.

Soon a nurse comes in with a wheelchair, instructions for us on how to help her out, and schedule for meds and when her therapy starts.

"Your free to go." The nurse says.

Nia picks up Alexa and I help support her leg as we put her into her wheelchair.

I wheel a dancing Alexa out of the hospital to a crowd of people taking pictures. Alexa stops dancing as all the flashes overwhelm her.

"Please stop." She says putting her arms over her face. I quickly try to push but one dude stands in front of Alexa, putting his camera under her arms to get her face.

"Please stop!" She yells pushing the guys camera into his nose. But he continues with every hit.

Finally I roll Alexa behind me to Nia and stand in front of them.

"You better fucking move." I say pushing the guy by the shoulders.

"Fuck off dickbag." He says pushing his camera into my face.

I quickly throw it onto the ground, breaking it into several pieces. I grab Alexa out of the wheelchair and walk through the paparazzi. They move out of my way very easily.

Nia quickly follows behind with the wheelchair.


We finally make it to the car and a I set Alexa down and hand her her favorite protein bar.

"I wanna stay on the road with WWE." She says grabbing it out of my hand while Nia gets in the on the other side with her protein bar in hand.

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