#88 Patrick Kane - Chicago

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Prompt: "i just want my best friend back"

Warnings: swearing


"Y/N he did it again....he cheated on another girl," I sighed as I read the incoming message from Jonathan Toews, one of my best friends. I had met him through his teammate and my childhood best friend Patrick Kane. Out of the two I was obviously closer with Patrick...Toews' text was, unfortunately, about him. With Patrick everything was always amazing....or at least it had been. We had been so close most of our friends assumed we were dating, not that I would've minded that.

"That's it I'm done. I'm going to talk to him, maybe he'll listen to me," I replied angrily.

For the past month Pat has done nothing but blow me off and date the  cheat on countless girls. This was not at all the Patrick I was best friends with and he needed a wake up call. I grabbed my keys and hopped into my car. As soon as I got to his front door I banged on it as hard as I could.

"Oh hey Y/N how are You," he smiled as he answered as if nothing was wrong.

"You on the couch now...we need to talk," I said glaring daggers at him. His eyes grew wide as he realized I wasn't messing around and he quickly sat on the couch.

"Y/N if this is about blowing you off I'm-," He started to say

"No pat its more than that," I cut him off, "it's about the fact that this past month you've constantly blown me off, your partying is out of control, and all these poor girls think they have a shot with you then you just go and cheat on them, it's ridiculous and you're almost as immature as Seguin was!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me with stunned eyes "Y/N," He started to say.

"No pat! No more fucking excuses I'm sick of hearing them. You're not at all the Patrick I knew and loved, Im not saying you cant change but it's just not you and I feel like I don't even know you anymore. I just want my best friend back," I said the last part quietly as a tear slid down my cheek.

"You wanna know what's going on?" He asked loudly moving towards me... "this is what been going on!" he moved in and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. In that moment my heart fluttered. I didn't have time to react before he pulled away.

"y/n I love you, I finally realized it and admired it to myself, just being around you makes my heart hurt knowing you don't feel the same way that's why I've been acting like this, I wanted to find someone to help me move on but no one is as good as you. And I know it's no excuse for how I treated those girls but that's what's up," he said softly.

"Pat why were you afraid to just ask i've felt that same way for a long time now," I said hugging him tight. I had my best friend back but now we would be more.

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