Talk To Me

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Oblivion pulled his head back, confused at the sudden movement. Why had Blossom gone to nuzzle him?

"Don't mention it. Can you stand?" He said instead, trying to erase the awkwardness.

"Y-yeah, I think so," Blossom replied, hurt from his rejection.

Oblivion felt an indignant spark well from inside him. What gave her the right to be mad abut his rejection?

Well, sorry Blossom, but you don't even know my name yet. So no.

Blossom got to her feet, her injured leg quaking, and she stumbled and fell into Oblivion's flank. He leant into her, swaying her back into balance.

"I'm so sorry!" Blossom gasped, casting a quick glance at Aurora, who looked confused, like she was trying to figure out the Leafeon's game.

Oblivion laughed. "You're fine, it didn't hurt."

Aurora flicked her ear. She'd had enough of this.

"Hey... Blossom, was it? I need to talk to Oblivion about the yarrow. Could you wait here?" The Espeon asked, her dual-ended tail flicking back and forth lazily.

Blossom seemed to hesitate for the smallest moment before nodding quickly.

Aurora guided her best friend a little ways away amongst the trees, the rough bark bringing slight comfort to the wild Eevelutions. She made sure the two were out of Blossom's earshot.

"So what was the question, Aurora?" Oblivion asked, sensing something amiss. His partner's usual happy demeanour was lacking.

"Not about yarrow, I'm afraid," Aurora replied, staring directly at Oblivion. This was one of the things the Umbreon found he had always loved about his friend; she never shied away from any challenge, whether it be physical, mental, or awkward.

"I think Blossom likes you. I think she's jealous of me," Aurora tested slowly, carefully, as though she was padding into dark waters and wasn't sure how far she was going to sink.

Oblivion hesitated, taken aback for a second, before he regained his breath. He exhaled, answering Aurora. 

"Oh. That's... huh. And... why are you telling me this?" He asked. Oblivion willed for his suspicions to be true, for Aurora to like him as much as he liked her, but he had to remind himself to not get his hopes too high.

"Because... in truth, I don't want her to have you. I think I love you," Aurora answered, surprisingly calm.

Oblivion smiled. He leant into Aurora and licked her between her furry ears, right above her beautiful jewel. "Well, you don't have to worry about a thing. Because between us, Blossom doesn't even make my list of Pokémon I love. And do you want to know why?"

Aurora grinned, her heart beating faster. "Because I'm the only one on your list?" She asked sassily.

Oblivion licked her again, his tongue warm against her furry forehead.


Aurora nuzzled him, and the two shared a smile. They turned tail and padded back to their Leafeon patient, who was pacing.

"Ah ah, no pressure!" Oblivion reminded her. He had spent some effort on that yarrow bandage. If Blossom kept this up, she'd have it all undone by nightfall, and the sun had already sunk a quarter more in the sky.

Blossom relaxed when she saw he had returned. "You're back," she said. She bounded over to him, careful not to place any weight on her back ankle.

Aurora stepped in front of Oblivion, her haunches and hackles lowered, her dual-ended tail flicking angrily. "Blossom," she warned. "Stop coming onto my friend, and go back to what you were doing. Your family will be worried, and you aren't doing your ankle any favours," the Espeon nodded at the left back ankle, which had the yarrow dressing almost undone.

Blossom gasped. "Leave me alone, you bully!" She replied.

Aurora sighed.

Oblivion hastily stepped between them. "Blossom, calm down," he instructed. "I'll re-do the dressing and then you can be on your way," he nodded.

Blossom growled, long and low. "NO!" She cried.

The Leafeon leapt at Aurora and used Razor Leaf. The sharp leafblade slammed into Aurora's side, making her cry out in pain.

"Stop!" Oblivion yelled as he used his Psychic, enveloping the Leafeon in the cyan glow and making her hover, disabling her ability to attack.

Aurora grunted from the cut in her side.

"It's quite obvious this character is insane," she choked, her side bleeding heavily. "Please can we just get out of here?"

Oblivion nodded and moved Blossom far away from them. He simultaneously used his Psychic to dress Aurora's wound, and both of them pelted off the second Oblivion shut down his powers.

They pelted through the forest into a clearing midway, the trees allowing precious sunlight through.

"Where do you think you're going?" Blossom purred from behind them, making them stop in their tracks.

Day and Night, Dark and Light {Umbreon x Espeon}  [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now