Chapter 2

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     "The first part of the test is to over come your own deepest darkest fear," Announced the supervisor. "if you pass the test, you can fight in battle without your fears blocking your will to fight."

     The first one to take the test was the mysterious old man, he walked up to the supervisor and he held out his hand. The supervisor took his hand and he grabbed his head with his hand covering his eyes. Then the next thing they knew it his body was covered by the stone from the ground. 

     "This is the test," Said the supervisor. "You are put in a isolation were you are not allowed to move physically. While you're isolated your memories of you fear will roll through your vision." 

     After the supervisor was done talking the stone slowly chipped away and he look like he was back to life. He had a confident look on his face, but his hand are a bit shaky. He walked up to Elizabeth and Alioth and said "Good Luck you guys."

     After the old man the twins were next. They went up to the supervisor and the same thing happened to them while they were holding each other's hand. It was quiet awhile they both been in their memories they could have been consumed by total darkness by fear or died from their fear because it was to strong for them.

     "Excuse me sir," Elizabeth said to the supervisor. "Do you think you should check on them? They both been there for awhile."

     "Fine I'll go and check their pulse." He went up to the bodies that looked lifeless and put two fingers on one of the twins wrist. Everyone waited for the supervisor's action because he just stood there with back facing to us. He checked the other twin's pulse and Elizabeth can only see a look of relief.

     He raised his hand to the sky and it quickly dropped with the stone that was covering the twins crumbled. First both of them didn't move an inch, and when we all thought they were both dead the twin on the left twitch. Her eyes fluttered open then she sat up and took o look around.

     "Where's my sister ?" Was the first thing she said. She looked beside her and there lay her sister looking lifeless. "Hey, Sis wake up!" She said to the body. "Sis if you wake up we could go on together." She put her hands on the body's shoulder's and shook her. Her constant efforts of waking up her sister was to sad for them to look because we all knew what had happen to her.

     "Come on Sis wake up already this isn't funny any more!" Tears start welling up in her eyes and it's felling on to her sister's face. Elizabeth came up to her and she put her hand on the crying girl's shoulder.

"Cora! How could this happen to you?!" 

     After that she was taken back to her room to calm down. The next person to do the test was Elizabeth now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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