Chapter 2 - Meeting The Star Warrior

Start from the beginning

"Woah, that's fast. I've gotta tell Tiff!"


Sonic felt good. The breeze flying in his face, his legs stretching for all it's worth. Being back to his speed felt really good.

But he did feel kinda bad about leaving Tiff. She had welcomed him in, and was even gonna take him to some Meta Knight guy about heading home. But he had been spotted. So it was only natural that he had run out of the castle.

Besides, staying cooped up in one place just wasn't his thing.

Before long, he arrived at the tree on the small hill. Skidding to a stop, he noticed a small house. It seemed like a reasonable height for children, but not exactly for him.

The door was unlocked. Nothing was harming a quick peek, right?

There was a TV, some small furniture, and a little bed.

"Wow, pretty quaint. Well, it is a little house on a hill. But I can't get spotted here."

Sonic closed the tiny house door and climbed up the small tree. As he looked over the small down below, he could faintly see small strange-looking people walking about.

"Woah, this place looks amazing. I wish I could get a better look, but I'm not taking any chances. If that Tiff kid is telling the truth, I probably shouldn't let myself be seen. Might cause a bit of an uproar."

But as he turned his head, he was face-to-face with a tiny yellow bird.

"HEY! Whaddya think yer doin' up in my tree!"

The bird started to peck at him relentlessly.

"Ow! OW! Quit it- OW! Knock it off!"

Sonic tumbled out of the tree.

"OW! Hey, watch where you're pecking!"

Sonic got up and dusted himself off. But as he looked over, he noticed a tiny pink ball with tiny red feet, stubby arms, and big blue eyes staring at him.

"Poyo?" was all the little thing said.

"GAH!" Sonic tumbled backwards in surprise, hitting the tree. "OW! What is it today with people scaring me out of the blue?!"

"Well I wouldn't be knockin' yer brains outta that thick skull'la yers if ya didn't trespass!"

"Ok, ok, I can take a hint."

The bird flitted its wings as it looked Sonic right in the face.

"Say, ya don't look like anything from 'round here!"

"Oh jeez... Don't let anyone know I'm here, it might cause a bit of a problem... But yeah, I'm not from here. Long story short, I fell through a portal and I crash-landed in that big castle. I have no idea how to get home, but I'm trying to find answers on how to. I kinda snuck out of the castle after some girl named Tiff took me in last night-"

"Tiff? That girl's nothin' but trouble!"

"You know her?"

"Yeah, she's the reason I got Pinky here livin' in my ol' nest."

The little pink thing merely smiled at the bird's mentioning of him, responding with a cute little "Poyo!"

"Who IS that, anyway? I've never seen anything like it."

"Oh, that's just Kirby. Some kinda 'Star Warrior' nonsense."

Sonic recognized the term of 'Star Warrior'.

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