CHAPTER 6: The most hurtful words

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Miyako: Yes, it's true, or at least not insult him


Koushiro went straight to him so he could talk to Kai, if it was true that they still did not know each other, but he knew that if he was so angry at everyone, he did not want her to get mad at him for nothing.

Koushiro: Are you Yamada-san?

Kai: What? -Said annoyed without seeing it

Koushiro: My name is Koushiro Izumi, and well ... I knew that yesterday you met a friend of ours

Kai: When you talk about our ...

Koushiro: Yes, of course. I speak of my friends Yamato-san, Sora-san and Mimi-san, the ones you met a few days ago

Kai: Sure, the two annoying companions and the delicate queen, -he said as he averted his eyes with something of anger.- I think that guy said his name was Daisuke

Koushiro: Yeah, well, I just wanted you to forgive them, believe me they would have liked to be your friends, they still want

Mimi: Do not include me !! - Scream from the window from where they saw both speak

Koushiro: What ...? - He said almost scared to see that they were listening

Kai: Great, what do you all have? -He said angrily as he looked at the others who saw them and got up to leave, but Koushiro stopped him, taking his arm

Koushiro: Wait, understand that they did not want ... well ...

Kai: Listen, I may not know them, but I should have said this my first day

Koushiro: What?

Kai: I will not stay long in this city, okay? You do not need to apologize to me, I do not regret giving them a bad impression, -he said as he broke free of Koushiro's grip.

Koushiro: Well, do not you have a shred of regret for what you said to Yamato-san? Or Mimi-san? Or Daisuke-kun?

Kai: Do you want the truth or do you prefer that I do not tell you the same thing as them?

Koushiro: Can you pretend to say I'm sorry?

Kai: I do not think it works, my apologies do not sound credible, -he said as he left.

Koushiro: I bet if

Yamato: How did it go? -He said as he approached him next to the others

Koushiro: What do you think?

Sora: It's not worth talking to him, it's better to just forget what happened


While at Hikari's house, she was one more day without going to class, she was in her room, she simply stopped lying in her bed, hiding under her sheets, and she sat in the middle of her room while looking at hundreds of Family photos.

I stop being sad, and I stop keeping his room dark, he felt better every time I saw the pictures together with Tailmon and Koromon.

Hikari: It had been a long time since I saw these photographs-He said with a wistful smile

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