First (set of) Question(s)!

64 2 2

Why do you not forgive the "Black Eyed Bastard"?

Daud: Why do I not forgive The Outsider? He's responsible for everything wrong in the world, and deserves what comes in his future.

Author: Calm down, senpai 0w0. Jeezums.

Corvo: Wait.. which one of us is he asking?

What do you think of Emily?

Daud: I saved the poor girl from an awful witch when she was younger, so I obviously don't hate the girl. She's a great empress, and I regret being the cause of her mother's death.

Corvo: I love my daughter and I- wait what was that first part, Daud?

Would you go on a date with Deliah?

Corvo: Do you mean Delilah? No, no, a million times no. Jessamine is the only woman for me.

Daud: Really? Did you really just ask that? NO

Author: Uhh.. maybe a different question!

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