Chapter Two: Farah Umair

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Floweritta

Hey dear sisters and brothers, you know what’s coming up next: An Apology for Such A Late Upload. But I’m sorry, I’d written the chapter two days ago, no really but there were certain amendments to be made for which I had to keep it hanging until now. It’s a pretty long chapter, and I’ve tried to make it as good as possible. Hoping to have lots of lies and comments from you : )

Dedicated to @meromada for being an awesome sister and friend! You are just so good sis! Best Of Luck for your exams!!!! 

Enjoy!  Read! Vote! Comment!


Chapter Two

Farah Umair

Approximately seven billion human beings live on this huge mass of Earth. And more than a zillion billion have inhabited it ever since it was created. People belonging to different areas, different times, different life styles. Every person that’s born is born with a special quality, a character, a talent that distinguishes him from other people, kind of makes him unique. Of course, he might not be the only person bearing that quality; there might be thousands of other human beings having that trait in them. But still, with proper use of this quality of his or her, he or she could become different from people who own that same feature.

And this feature could be anything. Anything in particular. I’ll call it ‘the foundation’ or ‘the centre of that person’ because although the person may have a number of other features, distinctiveness and qualities in him, but this one quality would be the most dominating of all. This one quality in him would be the reason for his existence on Earth. This one quality will be what his life would be revolving around. This one quality will help him survive on Earth. This one quality will be his or her centre.

Many people are fluky enough to have realized this quality of theirs. And making use of it in the proper way, they prosper in life. A few comprehend it at an early age, while for some, it takes time. Then again many people have no idea what their ‘centre’ is, either because they tried their best to search it out but failed, or maybe they never troubled to look for it, considering it a trifling obsession or some book-ly entity found only in the Department of Fantasy or Imagination.

Now that I’ve filled you in on this viewpoint of mine, it is quite natural that you might want to know what my centre is. But I have to say, I’m sorry, I haven’t figured it out yet. Okay, I can imagine the thwarted looks on your faces, but I can’t help it. I am one of those people who are just ‘living’ their life without knowing what they are here for. But no, if you think I’ve given up the idea for finding out my centre like how many weak people do, then you’re wrong. I, like a number of people on this blue planet, am struggling hard every second of my existence just to ‘figure out’ what’s so inimitable in me, what has Allah blessed me with that I can use for a really good cause.

And I would also like to point out that I used the word ‘weak’ for the people who give up their search of this unique ‘centre’, or who haven’t tried to even begin their search. And of course, you’d want an explanation for this allusion as well. Yes. They’re weak. Not weak of head or heart, they’re weak of determination. In biological terms, they’re deficient in determination. Their psyche is, quite unfortunately, stuck at the point that they’re either quite ordinary, or quite plain to hunt for their hidden talent. But for all these people who are ‘weak’, I will repeat what Alan Moore said: ‘Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.’

“Farah!” my sister’s voice cuts through my philosophy-rich thoughts as she parks the car in the parking lot. “For your kind information, we’ve reached our destination.”

Broken With Betrayalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें