Part 1

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Note: fluff in the beginning.

Lips met in heated passion as the two people tussled in a small bed, their limbs tangled together. The temperature in the room rose by a couple degrees as the two teenagers battled for dominance. Tongues met and battled, and a breathy whine from the female echoed in the small bedroom. The male's fingers tangled in tendrils of silver hair and purple eyes opened to gaze up at the male above her. His messy brown hair hung down in wavy locks, and black eyes gazed down at her. He took in the bright flush of her face and how her eyes were half lidded, her chest heaving from taking in the much needed oxygen.

A knock on the bedroom door sounded, but the two didn't realize it; they were captivated by each other. The unknown person on the other side of the door knocked again, this time louder.


*bang bang bang*


*bang bang bang*

Sighing, Emi blinked and leaned up on her elbows.

"Yes?" she drawled, annoyance evident in her tone.

The male above her sat down on her bed and crossed his long legs, eyebrow quirked in amusement. Emi stuck her tongue out at the male, causing him to chuckle quietly.

"Head Chef wants you to serve the customers" the voice said, and Emi sighed again before fixing her shirt that had been dishevelled.

"Okay, I'm coming" she said.

Footsteps walked away from the door, and Emi's brow furrowed in annoyance. She turned to the highly amused male and gave him a sheepish smile. His loose white shirt hung off his frame, showing a sneak peak of a chiselled chest and abs. Emi felt her stomach flutter as she gazed at the man.

"Shouldn't you get going? Wouldn't want to keep the Head Chef waiting" the male said in his smooth voice.

Emi fixed the belt of her pants and ran a hand through her silver tresses.

"The old man can wait a little while longer" she said, and he chuckled deeply.

That chuckle sent a thrill through her body and she closed the distance between them. She crashed her lips on his, and the battle for dominance began again.

"Zeke..." she murmured as they parted for breath.

Zeke reached up and brushed his knuckle lightly against her cheek. They had been seeing each other in secret for a couple of months. They met on one of the many islands while she was buying some things, and something about Zeke had caught her eye. He had asked her for a drink later on. Drinks led to dinner which led to more intimate encounters. Emi refused to let him go all the way, so it ended up as a lip match. After that Zeke had wanted to see her every day, and demanded that they be together. Sometimes she would take a small boat to the island an hour away with the excuse of going shopping, and sometimes he would take a small boat to the Baratie, switching to rowing when he got close so he wouldn't be noticed. Emi's window to her bedroom was on the side of the Baratie, and she always had a rope for Zeke to climb up the side.

A couple minutes later, the 15 year old walked out of her room. Zeke had gone out of her bedroom window and Emi fanned herself with her hand to cool her face down.

She walked down the circular steps and hurriedly tied her hair back from her face. She started waiting for the restaurant when she was 11, and enjoyed it quite a bit. She loved bragging about the food to the customers, and in a way her positive attitude brought in more customers. Her papa had come back when she was ten, and had started cooking again with the chefs of the Baratie. She didn't want to tell her papa or jii about Zeke in fear that they would freak out. She wasn't a child anymore!

Emi put on a smile and began to wait on the customers, her sweet voice echoing through the air. Zeff watched from the floor above, some lines etched deeper in his face. Something caused the teen to have a bigger pep in her step, and Zeff had a sneaking suspicion it was due to a young man who began to come in to the Baratie regularly.

Emi looked up with a smile when the door opened, and a blush spread across her cheeks when Zeke came in. She smiled and indicated for him to sit down. She was about to tell Zeke about the specials when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She blinked in surprise when she saw her papa standing there, cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Papa?" Emi asked, surprised and confused.

He barely ever came down to the restaurant. He preferred to stay in the kitchen instead.

"The old fart needs you" he said, and Emi's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Okay?" Emi drawled before walking up the spiral stair.

She walked to the kitchen, peaking in to see if Zeff was there. When she didn't see him there, she went to his room. Knocking on the door, she opened the door slowly.

"Jii? Are you in here?" Emi asked.

"Emi, come over here" his gruff voice said from his desk.

"Papa said you wanted me? Is there something wrong?" Emi said as she walked into the bedroom.

"Who is the young man who comes in almost every day?" Zeff groused as he gazed at the young teenage girl.

Emi felt her stomach plunge almost to the ground and her mouth dried up.

"I-I don't know. Maybe he just likes the food" she said, her heart pounding in her ears.

Head Chef Zeff snorted and reached for something inside his desk. He slapped down a piece of paper.

"Does this look like someone familiar?" Zeff said as Emi came closer.

Her gasp of surprise confirmed it for the elderly man. Emi's heart shuddered when she saw the man she had been seeing in secret on the poster with a 'Wanted' underneath. Her eyes filled with tears; Zeke had told her when they first met that he hated pirates.

"No" she whispered.

"You didn't think I wouldn't notice who comes on my ship?" Zeff growled, and Emi shook her head.

"No, this is a lie. You're lying!" she said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"He lied to you, Emi. Open your eyes you foolish girl!" Zeff roared, and Emi flinched back.

Her head lowered, and her hair covered her eyes in shadows. Tears continued to steadily roll down her face and her shoulders shook. It felt like her heart was being crushed, and her hands gripped themselves in tight fists.

"You're lying, old man. This is all a lie. Zeke would never lie to me!" Emi snapped as she glared at the older man.

Her eyes spoke of her hurt, fear and betrayal. Her shoulders shook with her sobs, and she hastily rubbed her eyes.

"He loves me, and I love him" she sobbed and Zeff scoffed.

"What do you know about love? You're still young" he groused, running a hand through his moustache.

"More then you! You just stand around in a bad mood ordering everyone around. What do you know?" Emi screamed.

They were both silent except for the 15 year olds barely suppressed sobs. Her chest heaved from all the emotions coursing through her.

"I hate you!" Emi growled out in a low voice before running out of the room.

Zeff sighed and sat down in the desk chair. He hated to see her so hurt like this, but he had to do it. He could tell this young man was leading Emi around, and Zeff had to make her see the reason. She would come around eventually.

Still WatersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora