The Trouble With Time-Travel

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"Come on. Come on, Buckbeak. Come and get the nice dead ferret. " Hermione wriggled it in front of him. Buckbeak sprang up as she threw the animal. Buckbeak caught it and inhaled it.
I grabbed one off the string of them.

"Come on, it's here! Come on, Beaky!" Harry lead him with the chain as I coaxed him to follow.

"Here we are, Minister. Follow me. Now, look there, you see?" I heard Dumbledore say, his voice was too loud-sounding to still be inside the hut.
We froze. The Minister of Magic was outside the hut and fully able to see us.


"Look, beyond the rocks."
We were ready to be caught, excepting defeat, running over what we would say to explain in our heads.
But they didn't turn around. Dumbledore was pointing off into the distance, babbling about the grounds.

"What am I suppose to see?"

"Professor Dippet had that ling planted when he was Headmaster."

"Oh yes, indeed, indeed."

"And all the strawberries you see."
He pointed high on the hills. The three of us still stood very still, Hermione's arms raised in defeat.

"Starberries? I see no strawberries"

"Over there."
Since they would not be noticing us anytime soon, I took action. I raised the ferret in my hand, high up for Buckbeak to see. I nudged Harry and he started to tug at the chain. We picked up speed, trying to get out of sight as soon as possible.
We went into the forest, but not so deep that we couldn't see what was happening. I turned to look at Buckbeak. He was huge, his eyes barely smaller than my fist. I patted his head, keeping him alert so he wouldn't wander around and be seen.
I snapped back into reality and the importance of the task when I heard a large slicing sound. I turned my head around the tree to see a large pumpkin split open by the axe.
The action made the flock of crows in the area fly high up on alert.


The three of us ran deep in the forest. Hermione helping me lead him with the ferrets. We were running; why we didn't just get on Buckbeak was a mystery to me.

"Okay Beaky, this way!" Harry panted.

"Come on!"

"This way! Okay!"

"Here!" We exchanged commands.

We came to a stop in a slight clearing. I threw one of the ferrets in the air for the hippogriff to catch, which it did.

"Now what?" Harry asked.

"We save Sirius," Hermione answered.

"How?" Harry and I chorused, as it concerned both of us.

"No idea." Hermione gestured for us to follow her. Harry put down the lead and I threw the last ferret to Buckbeak, then dropped the chain. Hermione began to run. Harry and I followed.

We came to the edge of the forest, where the Whomping Willow was in sight.

"Look. It's Lupin!" Hermione called.
Damn, I was wrong, I thought, as I had believed it was Snape.

"Immobulus!" he chanted. The Willow came to a peaceful halt and swayed in the wind like a normal tree.

"And Snape's coming," Hermione added. We watched him swagger his way into the passage.

"And now we wait," Harry said. Hermione repeated him. We all took a seat on the ground. We watched the tree.


Hours passed of us just sitting on the ground. A large gust of wind disturbed a group of bats. They flew by quickly, Buckbeak frolicked in them, catching and eating a few.

"Well, at least someone's enjoying himself," I remarked.

"Yeah," Harry said.



"Before, down by the lake, when we were with Sirius... I did see someone. Two people, actually. They made the dementors go away." Harry looked down at his feet.

"With a Patronus. I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him, only two really powerful wizards could have conjured them," Hermione informed us.

"It was my dad," Harry grinned.

"And Em said she saw her mum too, she said she finally came back." He smiled at me.
I wasn't positive it was Mum, but it felt like it. I felt safe: it had to be her.

"It was them who conjured the Patronuses."

"But Harry, your-your dad's..."

"Dead. I know! I'm just telling you what I saw."

"And Emma, your mum, she's been missing for 12 years. We don't even know if she's alive!" I glared a bit at Hermione.

"I can at least hope," I growled.

"Sorry, didn't mean it like that," she said softly.

"It's fine," I sighed. Hermione sat up.

"Here we come." We all stood up.

Heyy guys.
Again, short, useless chapter.
To be honest I hate writing this part.
Oh and as it has come to my attention,
some one you are a bit confused.
As an explenation:
Im writing this fan fic based off of the MOVIES
Yea I have read the books(8 times )
But using the movies, its easier to visualize,
so more people get into it.
I love you guys so much thank you for 800+ reads :').
And almost 100 votes
Lets celebrate.
Im going to update less often.
But with more time to write,
the chapters should be longer.
Cause every other day is a little too fast.
So the story is going by quickly
which makes me sad
cause ugh
i want a long story
Wow im rambling,
its 4 am here in New York,
so I'm going to sleep now,
hope you guys like this update.

If I Could(A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz