►Chapter One - The Vanishing of Will Byers

Start from the beginning

Letha rose an eyebrow, "First of all, I didn't get with Harrington. We just talked. Second of all, he called me on Saturday. And third of all, I'm pretty sure he's seeing Nancy Wheeler."

Sydney made a sound of distaste, "That bitch. Trying to steal my man." Letha let out a huge laugh, not noticing half the student body that stood in the hallway turn just in time to see Sydney's face turn red with embarrassment, "What?"

Letha stopped at her locker, put in the code and whacked it in order to get it open, "Steve Harrington isn't anyone's man. And you have a fling like a year ago! You knew what you were getting yourself into."

"Yeah, but-"

"Oh God, we talking about this again?" Ryan Gad cut off the blonde, "Just take the hint. He's not interested, Honey." Ryan Gad and Sydney Herring got on like cats and dogs. They hated each other but could occasionally tolerate the other, "Hey, Letha. Did you bring my Bowie record?"

Letha closed her eyes in frustration and turned to the boy with a pained smile, teeth clenched, "Uhhhhhh. I gotta go." Letha stuffed her bag in her locker and shut it with a slam, "Big chemistry test tomorrow!"

"You forgot again?" Ryan asked with his eyebrow raised, "You're so forgetful. I swear you wouldn't remember where you lived if you didn't have it written down."

"I live on Randolph Lane so suck it, Gad." Letha stuck her tongue out at the boy and started to walk to class, the two upperclassmen following her, "I had a busy morning! I had to pack my stuff for babysitting Dustin Henderson cause his mom asked me to spend the night and I forgotto pack last night. I then had to take my Uncle breakfast 'cause God knows what he'd eat otherwise, most likely bacon. Gross, right? I'll give you your damn record tomorrow." Letha finished with a sigh, "Now get to class. It sucks that you're both the year above me."

Sydney commented, "Well, at least I don't have to see Ryan's face after this year."

"I can hear you." Ryan pointed out, "It's not like it's a joy to keep you around either, but I do it for Letha's sake." 

Letha stopped at the door for Chemistry, turning to face the two rivals, "God, you're both so repressed. You need to get laid already." She turned back and walked into class, Sydney shouting behind her, "Says the virgin!"


"Miss Letha Sykes, what a surprise to see you here." Steve Harrington walked up to the girl as they were leaving the hell people called school. Letha hid her grin that Steve actually was still speaking to her. Steve was the almighty. He and his friends were solid teflon. Letha was just a mythic bitch, "Surprised that I'd be at school in the town where I live?"

"No, surprised that you made it through the day without crying." Steve shrugged, a serious look on his face. Letha opened her mouth, her face morphing into a look of shock, "You did not."

"Oh, I did."

Letha was not one to tolerate teasing, "It was one time. And in, like, fifth grade! Tommy H stole my G.I Joe." Steve watched as the tall girl walked, following not too far behind her, saying, "It's a boys toy."

"Doesn't say that anywhere on the packaging. Show me the proof." Having said that, she unchained her bike from the rack and jumped onto it, "Bye, new best friend."


"I'm leaving, Letha! I'll be back tomorrow night so can you make sure Dusty makes it to school?" Mrs. Henderson asked Letha as she pulled a wheelie bag along with her.

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