The party.

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"Come on Somer " My best friend Taylee was begging me to go to this party that some guy was throwing for the entire school, and if you knew me then you would know that I usually stay home on tumblr or something.

"Its one party please please please please" she said with a puppy dog lip.

"Fine but just this once" I said while getting off my bed before making small strides to my closet dreading going to this party, but knowing Taylee she won't let it go. "I don't even know what to wear" I said to her while looking through my closet. "Why does it matter just wear something hot" she said while putting some of my make up on.i kept looking through my cloths till I finally decided on a pair of white wash shorts that came mid thigh and a white lacey tank with a light blue tank under it. It stays pretty warm here in California at night so I didn't bother me. I placed some deodorant on my arm pits before spraying some perfume on me. I walked out of my closet and over to my vanity where I placed some mascara on before layering some glitter light pink lip gloss along my lips,I fluffed up my long brown curly hair before placing a pair of vans on my feet.

"Do I look party worthy?" I asked turning in a circle.

"Hell yeah you do, now lets go" Taylee said while pulling on my hand and dragging me out to my car.

" Calm down im not going to change my mind" I said to her while getting in the drivers side of my camero. Yes I have rich parents who cares.

It didn't take long before I was parking in a spot at the beach, there was a bon fire and loud music. Totally not my scene but sense I love my best friend here I am.

" Who is hosting this party anyways?" I asked while grabbing a cup of beer from a guy from school I think his name is Ryan.

" I am sexy" I heard a deep voice said before me and Taylee turn around to see

Wesley Stromberg the biggest guy in school, also known as the bad boy, the player

"Oh you had the decency to throw a party for everyone" I said while placing the cup to my lips

"haha you had the decency to show" He said with a wink.

"Not for you honey buns" I said with a smirk.

"Well enjoy yourself, and if you want a hook up call me" he whispered the last part to me before walking away.

" The was Wesley Stromberg, the bad ass" Taylee said incomplete and utterly shock.

" He isn't that bad ass" I said

"I heard he killed someone" Taylee said, I didn't reply I just drank the last gulp of my beer before throwing the cup and grabbing another one.

" Well this is going to be an interesting night" I whispered before following Taylee over to the fire. There were people all over the place most of them I didn't know. I'm not one to go to parties so tonight was going to be very interesting. I was sitting at the fire just listening to people talking I didn't say a single word, I didn't know anyone but Taylee so what else was I supposed to say " Hey I'm Somer and I'm a boring ass person" no so I just sat there and listened to them. I've been sitting on this uncomfortable log for about an hour and I'm tired, plus my butt hurts. I decided to stand up and make my way over to the ocean by myself. I took my vans and socks off and carried them while walking in the water alittle bit. I was just staring at the waves when someone spoke up.

"Its gorgeous isn't it?" I turned to see Wesley standing next to me.

"yeah, its amazing" I said looking back at the waves.

"You dont like me do you?" Wes said while placing his hands in his pocket.

"I don't know what to think about you." I said shyly

"I here many different stories about you and I never know which ones are true" I said while looking at him. His jaw was tight and he looked, how do you put it. He looked hot. I have always thought he was attractive but I have never gotten to know him enough to know.

" Well do you believe them?" he finally said.

"I don't believe anything unless it comes from the persons mouth" I said while turning around.

" oh okay" was all Wes said before looking at me.

" I should probably be heading home. It was a nice party tho" I said to Wes before walking away to find Taylee. Once I found her we left and I couldn't get my mind off of Wesley.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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Maybe theres alittle more, that we dont know. *wesley stromberg story*Where stories live. Discover now