"Obviously not, I handed it to you didn't i?" I asked  with a chuckle as she huffed and laid the blanket down so we had a view of the river.

"You're aren't doing a very good job of showing me your good side" she snapped sitting on the blanket she laid out.

"I haven't pushed you down the hill into the river yet" I defended myself.

"Jerk" Mari snapped and I chuckled sitting next her. Let's try and get some secrets out.

"So,  was I wrong about you?" I asked her, and she nodded without even thinking.

"Way, way wrong" she quickly said

"How?" I asked

"Well first, I'm not a bitch" I nodded with an eye roll

"I know, you only tried breaking me and jade up because you thought I didn't care blah blah" I mocked "tell me something else I was wrong about"

"I don't know.. Just about everything" she quietly says like she didn't want me to hear it

"I think you're a whore" I spoke up. Mari looked at me with hurt an anger mixed into one stare "sorry" I added

"That, you're wrong about that! I'm not the slut! You're ex girlfriend is the whore!" She yelled at me

"Jade wasn't a whore! She only had sex with me! I can't say the same thing for you!" I defend jade, I don't know why I felt the need to defend her. I hate jade, she is a slut.. She's a whore but I won't have Mari; literally the biggest slut in our school talk about jade like that.

"Yeah? Think so? Jade had sex with 2 college guys an a senior when she was a freshman. not to forget the 2 juniors when she was in eighth grade!" She practically screamed at me. She's lying.

"Fucking liar!" I yelled back  getting up from the blanket. Jade was a virgin when I met her, I know she was.

"I'm her bestFriend, she told me everything. I know more then about her then you'll ever know" Mari snapped getting up too

"Yeah, you'll make up anything to make yourself look better, even if jade did sleep with those guy bet her number is nowhere near yours" I retaliated

Mari clenched her fist then unclenched them as she looked to the ground.

"I wasn't wrong about you" Mari whispered before walking back to my car. I stood there another minutes just calming down, I don't know why I got so worked up over jade. Did she really have sex with all those guys..

I ripped the blanket up from the ground and threw it into my car, I then got into the drivers seat before taking off.

"Why do you think so low of me?" Mari voice interrupted the silence.

"Because you're literally a walking sex doll, I bet so many guys have had sex with you. It's gross, it kind of disgusts me that I have to have sex with you" I spoke harshly, she said nothing. I looked over to see her reaction when I heard her sobbing. She was crying, like really crying into her hands.

I quickly looked back to the road, she can cry? That feeling appeared in my chest, the feelings name is guilt.

"Hey.." I softly said and she cried harder.

Okay so my normal 'I'm sorry' won't work here. I pulled over into a random driveway and put the car and park before siting both hand on the steering wheel taking in a deep breath.

"Mari" I said looking to her as she keep her face in her hand crying.

"Just take me home" she spoke while crying, her voice cracking.

"No, listen. I'm sorry, I might have went to far. I feel really bad Mari and I don't want you to cry" I said

It felt foreign coming from my lips, I don't want Mari to cry. The girl I despise.

"Just take me home" Mari sounded emotionless

"Okay" I pulled out of the drive way and drove her home, not another word spoken.

Bens pov-

"Sophie, please" I tried to plead with her at the end of the day while walking with her to her car.

"Ben.." She said softly the way you would to a wounded animal that you know isn't going to make it.

"You want space, okay. Take as much time as you want but I hope you know I'll only wait so long" I tell her, our eyes locked. She tilted her head with confusion

"What's that suppose to mean" she asked her eyes searching my face for an answer. I Love her more then almost anything but I won't be the lost puppy following her, I won't be the fool who sits at home thinking only of her while she out fucking any guy she spots.. Not that Sophie would do that just I won't be the love sick idiot.

"It means as much as I love you, I won't just sit around and wait for you to come back to me" I said she looked shocked as I gave her a small smile as I leaned in kissing her on her cheek.

"Ben, you're not only my bestFriend.. I love you. I have to tell you the truth" she said as I went to walk away. I like this part about Sophie and I we tell each other the truth no matter what. "It wasn't just you kissing Nicole" she said looking down I stepped toward her putting my finger under her chin and lifting it so she was looking at me.

"What was it then?" I looked completely strong on the outside, but the inside was terrified of what she was about to say.

Please don't say it was because of Dana..

"I don't know if I want to be with you anymore" she quickly said like ripping off a band aide. My heart tightened at her words but I gave her a nod and smile for her to continue, I can tell she really wants to get this off her chest. "I just feel like I haven't did enough stuff during highschool, I've only ever dated and did anything with two guys. I've never had a normal relationship.. I want a relationship where it breaks me down but is also the only thing that can build me back up.." She rushes out

"But we-" I tried to defend our relationship, Sophie is the thing that breaks me down but is the only thing that can build me up.

"No! You didn't argue with me, you agreed with me about everything! I thought that was good, I thought I liked that we didn't fight but I realized it felt fake! It was like we didn't care enough to fight for eachother!" She snapped at me accidentally but then her gaze softened and she looked away from me.

"Soph? You okay?" Carter asked as he walked up seeing us and she nodded looking to him then smiled back to me

"i have to go" Sophie said getting into her car with carter. He was glaring at me the entire time Sophie drove past me out the school parking lot.

This might be it for Sophie and I..

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