"100 percent." Valentine's eyes widened comically. "So, everyone's been affected, whether they have a SIM card or not. And we get the added benefit of wiping out the Kingsman." He said.

"Not yet." Gazelle said. The screen then showed Harry as he ran out of ammo and hit someone with the butt of the gun before another guy attacked him with an axe. Harry however took the axe and impaled three people at once on it.

"You need to see this." Gazelle said while Valentine gave her a look that said 'seriously?'


The shaky landing of the helicopter jolted Irene awake from the rather nice dream she was having. One which didn't include her arguing with Harry. She sighed and fixed her hair.

"If it wasn't confirmed back when I was training, it's confirmed now, I'm not a good flyer." She could hear Merlin chuckle on the other line of the Kingsman glasses she wore. "You may not be good, but it's not gonna kill you. Anyway, you have everything set?"

"Yup, all that's left is to find him. So, where is that Harry idiot?" She got off the helicopter and began searching when she heard sounds of fighting coming from a church nearby. As she approached the church, she saw Valentine and Gazelle waiting in front of the front door. Biting back a curse, she ducked down behind some bushes. Clicking on a button on her glasses, the church zoomed in. She could see a crowd of people fighting each other and a very familiar man shooting at everyone. Her eyes widened.

*Bloody hell. Is that Harry?*

"Merlin, did you see this?"

"Yeah. I'm trying to contact him but he's not responding."

With Harry

After a while the fighting stopped, and everybody except Harry was dead. The agent came back to his senses and stood up, panting, looking at the mass of dead people in shock. *I killed all those people...* Remorsefully, he walked out of the church, only to come across Valentine and Gazelle.

"What did you do to me?" He asked them. "I had no control. I killed all those people." Valentine nodded jovially. "I wanted to."

"Clever, isn't it?" Valentine asked. "In simple terms, it's a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression and switches off inhibitors."

"Transmitted through your nasty free SIM cards, I assume." Harry said. Valentine then walked up to Harry.

Meanwhile, Irene was still hiding behind the bushes. While Harry and Valentine were talking, Irene noticed a gun up Valentine's sleeve, literally. She only managed to catch the last bit of the conversation.

"Do you know what this is like? It's like those old movies me and your wife both love. Now I'm gonna tell you my whole plan, and then I'm gonna come up with some absurd and convoluted way to kill you, and you'll find an equally convoluted way to escape." Valentine said.

"Sounds good to me." She heard Harry say. She immediately noticed the way Valentine's face went sour.

"Well, this ain't that kind of movie." With that he pulled the gun out but, a split second before the bullet hit him,

"HARRY NO!" Irene jumped up and out of the bushes and pushed Harry out of the way, getting hit in the head by the bullet instead. Harry landed on his back before he took notice of Irene laying on the ground, seemingly unconscious, with blood oozing out of her head. He quickly shot up and ran to her.

Hart Household

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Eggsy, who had been watching the live feed on the laptop through both Harry's and Irene's glasses, screamed loudly when he saw his aunt collapse.

Kingsman: The Secret Service - Manners Maketh ManWhere stories live. Discover now