Chapter 1

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Emily's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off telling me to get ready for my job at the café. I get up early for work so I'll have enough time to take a shower and eat breakfast. I pick out my clothes and set them down on the bed while I start getting my shower ready.

When I finish getting ready for work I go into the kitchen to start making my breakfast which consists of waffles, eggs, bacon and sausages. After I finish my breakfast I step out of my apartment and head towards the café that I work at.

When I entered the café someone bumps into me. I whispered a quiet 'sorry' and kept on walking I didn't even look up at them. They probably think I'm a weirdo or something but whatever.

I then go to the back of the café where everyone puts their personal belongings and put my purse down and put on my waitress apron. I started to take some orders and by the time I know it, it's almost time for me to go home.

I went in the back of the café to get some lady's order and as soon as I get there I'm hit with the smell of smoke. I started having flashbacks of my past and started hyperventilating. This hasn't happened in awhile and I wish it never would happen again. I start looking around but I can't see where the smoke is coming from and I don't see anyone around.

I begin to walk further into the smoke to see if I can put it out before it becomes an even bigger mess. When I turn the corner I see Phillip just laying there unconscious. I start shaking him to see if he would wake up. "Phillip can you hear me?" But unfortunately he wouldn't budge.

The smoke started to get worse it got so worse that the fire alarms started going off and people start evacuating the café. But I don't want to leave Phillip's side.

After about 20 minutes firefighters start rushing in but I was having trouble breathing while they were talking to me. One of the firefighter start speaking to me but I only catch the end of what he's saying.

"Ma'am can you understand what I just said to you?" I'm not able to respond back to him because by this time I'm hardly breathing and I feel myself losing consciousness.

Later That Day

When I woke up I immediately remembered what had happened. I wanted to know if Phillip was okay or not. I hope he's doing good. As soon as the thought comes to my mind Mr. Anderson, the owner of the café walks in with a frown on his face.

"Hello Emily. How are you doing?" "I'm doing fine sir. How is Phillip?" He looks like he's on the verge of tears. His next words shock the crap out of me. "Phillip didn't make it to the hospital, he was DOA. He was battling cancer and didn't tell anyone but his fight is over now."

I started crying like the crybaby I am. Phillip is or should I say was a good man. He put everyone before himself and didn't care what people had to say. He would always speak his mind and tell you how he felt and what didn't like you doing. I'll always remember him.

Mr. Anderson then told me that the café was damaged too much and it would be closing for good. Which means that I'm jobless and if I don't find a job then I'll be homeless, so I need to find a job as soon as I get out of this hospital.

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