Part Two

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The next morning, Eric was back at the studio bright and early- far earlier than the others. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, he knocked on Heather's dressing room door.
"Come in," came her singsong-y voice from the other side.
"Aren't you going to ask who it is?" Eric chuckled, walking in and shutting the door behind him.
"I would, but I didn't particularly care who it was. I'm glad it was you, though. Those studio executives can really be a bore."
He smiled.
"You've been in the business awhile, though- aren't you used to this?"
"It was more tolerable when I was a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed little teenager. Don't forget, I haven't done much TV since the Monkees. I'm more of a musician now. Unless I'm at the helm of a project, I don't typically enjoy doing television anymore." She shrugged.
"True. I don't care for this myself... but it's what Tam thinks is best for the band."
Heather sighed.
"That Tam bothers me. All he does is control your lives. It's one thing to try and keep you all away from the nasty stuff, but does he really think he can get away with all of this 'clean image' bullshit for much longer?" She stared straight into the mirror she was seated at, in the midst of doing her makeup.
"I dunno. It bothers all of us, but what do we do? He's the one responsible for us being so popular. He's like a dad to us, he's never led us wrong."
"Like a dad, huh? Or more like a sexually abusive stepfather?" She turned to face Eric. "Leslie told me all about that greasy weasel. He told me all of the disgusting things he's seen Tam do, and that Tam's done to him. I wouldn't trust him with my trash. I know the band needs a manager, but good lord. Find one who understands you, not one who abuses you."
Eric sighed.
"Financially, he's got us bummed good. It would be too big of a risk."
She sighed, turning back to her mirror.
"That's a shame. I've seen too many good artists that signed a manager very young, and got a horrible deal as a result. You're not the first, and you won't be the last."
Eric moved in closer to her.
"I really don't want to think about it all. But speaking of being screwed over, I'd rather that you do the honors, rather than Tam..." He looked into the mirror and winked.
Heather giggled.
"I'd love to, but I have to be out there soon. If you have time after my first scene, thy don't need me again until around noon."
"I wish, but we're on after you. We probably won't have time until mid afternoon or so."
"We'll see. I normally don't sleep with someone and ditch him, but I couldn't stay with Les for longer than the duration of that first time. He's not for me. I hope you realize that getting into this means I at least want to see you every now and then. I'm not expecting a huge commitment, but I usually like to have a relationship with someone I have relations with." She raised an eyebrow.
"I know. I'm not looking for something serious, but I wouldn't be popping in on you if I didn't want to spend time with you."
She smiled.
"Good. Then we're on the same page." She stood up. "I've got to go now." She kissed him on the lips. "Feel free to drop in later. I'll be expecting you." She sauntered out of the room, and Eric watched her skirt rise and fall as she left. He'd never quite met a woman so...bossy? Confident? He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he was used to girls falling all over him. Not this one.

Heather had almost reached the soundstage when she felt a tight grasp on her arm.
"You," hissed Tam Paton. "You smell like the boys."
"It's probably from yesterday. It lingers, you know." She glared at him and yanked her arm out of his grasp.
"I warned you. I better not find you fooling around with them. I can ruin your career with the drop of a hat."
"You say one word about me, and I'll put it round that you raped me, you dirty old man. I know how greasy you are, don't fucking try me."
Tam was shocked that Heather- a normally classy and levelheaded woman- would snap at him that way, and he had certainly never heard her utter a nasty word before.
She began to walk away.
"They'll never believe you, Mrs. Robinson," Tam sneered in return.
"I'm not THAT old, honey."
Eric approached Tam from behind as Heather walked away.
"Leave her alone. She's not bothering us. We're not bothering her. Just put it behind you already."
"Don't tell me what to do. I practically own your tight little ass."
"Don't abuse your privilege as our manager, because we can always take it away from you." Eric walked away, slamming the door to his dressing room.

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