Chapter 1: The Bad Boy That I Hate Profusely

Start from the beginning

I contemplated this and frowned at her to continue, "There's no way I'd let you go around embarrassing me with a bad laugh, imagine if you snorted while laughing," She gasped then we both laughed our asses off and she continued to say, "Cass, your laugh is nothing but contagious, calm your hormones!" Then playfully punched my shoulder.

Oh, did I mention my name is Cassandra? Cassandra Luna Stevens, but everyone calls me Cassie. No, I am not a werewolf or anything of the sort, although sometimes I wish I were, but I'm not. As far as I know, anyway. My mother just has an obsession with the moon for some crazy reason.. Or should I say some lunatic reason? No? Okay, well anyway somehow her obsession rubbed off onto me because I love the moon, too.

I am a natural at anything involving psychology or psychos, so when I'm not being called Cassie, I'm called Psych. But, not because I'm psycho; but because I've been appointed to be the student psychologist for everyone in first year.

"Speaking of, my hormones are like in overdrive today, I might need to go see the psych," I laughed and returned her punch.

Emily shot me a confused glance before asking, "Wait, how can you go- aren't you the psych?"

"Sarcasm Em, sarcasm. You probably need a psych more than I do, Blondie." I chuckled as she let out a snort then folded her arms over her chest and turning her head to look the other way as if pretending not to be talking to me.

Emily is a lot of things, she's hot, fun, sweet, kind, sneaky, pretty smart too but she really lives up to being blonde.

"Thinking about Mr. Popular?" I teased, and jokingly quirked my eyebrows up and down at her. She shot me her 'I'm-not-talking-to-you' face and I lifted my finger to the corner of my mouth to imitate wiping away drool.

She gasped with wide eyes and wiped away the nonexistent drool from her face, to which I just laughed. Again.

Getting up from the chair she started yelling, "Cassandra Luna Stevens, I am going to shave your head and eyebrows, cut your boobs off, glue them to your vagina and then kill you as a bald penisless guy if it's the last thing I d-"

"Girls," Mr. Holland interrupted, probably saving my life at that too. We both stared at him and as if being caught robbing a bank, my hands shot up in surrender like you do when a cop tells you to 'freeze' and Emily quickly imitated me. "To your seats, now. Class is about to start." He said, turning his back on us to walk away. "Oh, and Miss. Stevens.. Try not to look like you've just robbed a bank. It makes you look guilty of being... up to something." he said as the students started filling out the class.

Is it just me or did that sound like something Professor Snape would say?

Maybe all that Harry Potter as a kid is finally taking it's toll on me. I mentally shrugged.

Emily had burst out laughing at this, but I didn't find it the slightest bit amusing.

Geez. Why does this guy hate me? I am his only A student, he should be praising me.

Rolling my eyes at both of them, I flipped the pages of my text book to the 'Biopsychology' section.

I was scanning through some notes when I heard Mr. Holland reprimanding Emily.

What did that girl get herself into now?

Looking over to her, it wasn't that hard to figure out. Mr. Holland was dragging her back to her seat and she was not so discreetly pointing for me to look at the door.

I glanced over to the door only to see him. Yup, Mr. Popular, Jake Bomer. Leaning in the door frame like he owns the place.

If he wanted to, he probably could. My subconscious gloats on his behalf.

The Bad Boy That FellWhere stories live. Discover now