Chapter 1

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Photo of Helena ----> :3



Grunting,i slowly sit up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Slowly I get up to change into my outfit i picked out for Alexis birthday. Quickly I run downstairs to see my mom and Alexis making Muffins and her cake together. Slowly I go upstairs again to my sister Rosie's room to wake her up for school because last time i forgot to wake her up she got lunch detention which is rare for a 7 year old little girl.

"Rosie wake up your gonna be late for school." i whispered yelled while shaking her softly enough for her to wake up.

Slowly she got up and went to her drawer picking out her Black tank top,Denim Short shorts, Her big thick bracelets, her charm bracelet, her seatbelt like belt, and her converse. I got out the flat iron and started on her choppy like "emo" hairstyle and gave her, her gir backpack. I quickly went downstairs and grabbed my keys to my motorcycle and grabbed my helmet and put it on her.

"Be Back home Mom!!!!" I yelled to my mom.

I started up my motorcycle and helped Rosie on the bike. Quickly I drove the bike towards her school.

"You doing okay Rosie want me to slow down?" i shouted past the sound of the rumbling of the motorcycle.

"Yeah I'm fine its just I'm scared of going to school" she shouted.

Soon we pulled up at Rosie's school called "River wood Elementary School". As soon as Rosie got off a lot of kids came up to her making fun of her. I growled and glared at the little kids making fun of my little sister. Slowly I got off my bike heading near the little kids. I grabbed one of those little punks by his shirt and looked at him angrily.

"What do you think your doing making fun of my little sister" i growled at him

"What do you think your doing hurting my little brother" Someone said to me

Slowly I looked up to see a guy my age who had Black "emo" kinda styled hair. Two black snake bites, Electric light blue eyes. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black tank top with a red logo on it, All black low-cut converse without the laces. '''boy was he hot"' I thought. Just then my wolf Leona said something i will never forget



Vomment please its just one button away :]

Stay tuned for the next chapter *wink*hint*wink

The Lonley Girl Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now