
"You've been staring at me for about ten minutes now..."

Ten minutes? I've been staring at him for ten minutes! This is ridiculous! I can't keep getting side tracked like this. I wiped the shocked look of my face and stood up off the bed. Staring down at him caused him to lose his cocky smirk. Confusion distorted his features as he looked up at me apprehensively.

"Follow me." I turned around and began to walk out the room. I didn't have to turn around to see if he was following me, at this point it would be dangerous for him not to do as he's told.

When I had first thought of this punishment it had only made sense that I would have to keep a closer eye on him until I could trust him. But after what happened earlier I'm a little nervous as to what's going to happen with the both of us living in one room.

Yes, you heard me. ONE. ROOM. I've decided that I was going to have him by my side at all times. To tell you the truth I was extremely worried that one night I would come home and my house wouldn't be there anymore. Before you say anything I'm not being overly dramatic, it's happened before.

One time Apollo let Hermes stay in his home for a little while. Everything was fine until he made the fatal mistake of trusting Hermes to stay by himself. All of the gods and goddesses knew that he was dumb to even think of trusting him alone and we all knew what was going to happen. So we weren't surprised when we found out that Hermes had destroyed the house, literally.

According to Hermes it wasn't his fault at all. According to everyone else Hermes had done something to anger Ares, til this day no one knows what it was. All that mattered was the fact that Ares had completely demolished Apollo's house. There were maybe a few pillars left standing but that was about it.

Ever since then no one has ever let Hermes anywhere near their homes. As a matter of fact most we don't even let them near anything valuable. I heard all the stories and I was wary of him but I didn't think there was anything that he could really take from me that I couldn't replace. I didn't have many prized possessions. Well that's what I thought until that little thief stole my poor defenseless Cerberus. I should have never left him here.

His feet were dragging against the floor as we approached my room. He was confused about what was happening, which was understandable. He had been in his room for about fifteen minutes, locked up, unable to move. Then I come in, un-cuff him, and say nothing besides follow me. If someone did that to me I'd be confused as hell.

Death in Love. [Book 3]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora