Chapter 2

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Stiles grumbled as he walked into school in a bad mood because of Jackson and the only person who knew how to cheer him up was thousands of miles away. But he had Scotty so all hope wasn't lost, he was so lost in thought while he was walking he walked straight into the door. "Aww.. shit stiles said as he heald his head while everyone else laughed" so stiles just held his head high and walked into class and sat down. He was busy doodleing in his notebook he didn't notice a man walk in and sit down next to him. "Hey Scotty I thought you were to busy to talk or even be near me during school" stiles said without even looking up "I'm not Scott" a gruff voice announced with that stiles head shot up and his jaw dropped when he saw the gorgeous and popular Derek Hale. "Um um...... sorry" stiles managed to stutter out. "Do you want me to move so you can sit with your friends"? Stiles asked scared that he'd get punched or made fun of. He started fumbling with his lockette like he does when he's nervous. "No I wanted to sit here" derek mumbled out and looked away "umm.... uh ok"? Stiles stuttered not believing his ears so he put his head down and doodled mindlessly not even realising he was drawing derek until the bell rang and knocked him back to reality. He quickly gathered his things and accidently dropped the paper. He was almost to his locker when a hand grabed his shoulder and whipped him around "hey stiles right"? Stiles looked up into the face of derek and his jaw yet again dropped stiles looked around "are you talking to me"? Derek looked confused and thought man my mate is so adorable. "Yeah who else would I be talking to"? "I mean you're popular and I'm a geek so" derek was shocked "so you thought I'm teasing you but I'm not like that I think you're really cool and smart soo" at this stiles heart was beating out of his chest "you really think that or did Jackson put you up to this or Scott" stiles asked with tears in his eyes. This really angered him that people are making fun of and hurting him. "Um stiles how about I walk you to your locker" derek asked "um sure derek" they continued down the hallway stiles opened his locker with derek looming over him he felt oddly safe. As stiles reached up to put his books away his sleeve must've gone up a little because derek grabbed his arm and pulled his sleve up all the way. "Stiles why in the hell would you do this to yourself"?! Stiles ripped his arm away and ran

A/n I've been trying to make them longer so please comment and I'll take suggestions

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