Chapter 02: Tarantula

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     I take the note off my locker and through it into the nearest garbage can. This can not be happening. I'm panicking and I know it's showing in my face. I feel my world tilt on its axis ever so slightly. I know there's something in my locker and I have no choice but to open it. I need my things for Gym. As I open the door ever so slowly, my biggest fear just sits there on all my belongings. A huge tarantula frozen like its life depends on it and I scream. I'm not talking about a little gasp kind of scream I'm talking about a killer is chasing me kind of scream. And them heads turn. All in unison like those twins from The Shining.

     When a teacher comes running towards me she was about to ask me what's wrong but then she saw it too and shut the locker door and hurried me to the principal's office. I know what conversation is about to happen, and I'm not looking forward to it. Our Principal, Mr. Morey, was about to speak but I interrupted him. "I know there this is going and yes, this is the first time my tormentor has done something in 3 years. And no there have been no letters, messages, or emails."

     Mr. Morey seems content with my words but he still seems uneasy. He's known me since I've moved to this town and he and my parents are good friends, so he's seen everything that has happened between me and my tormentor. To be honest I do have my suspicions as to who this person is, but I'm not 100% about it. Mr. Morey has told me through the years "to not let it get to you"and to "be strong" but that's what everyone says so I've never taken his advice seriously before.

"Could I call my mom Mr. Morey?" I add.

"Of course Ms. Gnall."

     After a lengthy talk with my mom she decide it was best to let me finish the school day. Great, just what I need. More opportunities for my tormentor to pull my leg. I get a free pass to miss Gym and go to my homeroom. When I enter the room I see my best friend, Shey Macintosh. She has beautiful platinum blonde hair and tanned skin that would make anyone jealous. Her krystal blue eyes meet my brown ones and gives me this big, harm, and bright smile. And as soon as she sees me you knows something's up. She asks me "What happened?"

     So I tell her. From the fight, to the tarantula, to the the Principal, and finally my call with my mom. Shey knows how scary my mother can be so skipping the rest of the day is off limits. She tries to comfort me and it works until she starts cursing Jace. "Yeah yeah we get it he hates me and feels the need to make my life a living hell."

     I roll my eyes as say this. This is who I believe is my tormentor. I didn't always think this but Shey put the thought in my head around when we were 13. I always say to myself not to let other people manipulate my thoughts but with Shey, she had good evidence and it was believable unlike most of the things she says. She usually just spouts nonsense that only Shey and her Shey brain can understand.

"Jose you have to find him and confront him and just ask him to stop. If you don't soon I will"

     Unlike me, Shey knows that it's him but I'm still sceptical about it. I say to her "It's not your battle to fight. It's mine so don't. If I want to ask Jace about it, I will but not now, not today. When I'm ready alright Shey?"

     And with that she shuts up and I sit next to her. We have a moment of awkward silence. I nudge her elbow and she smudges what she was writing and I start laughing my snorty kind of laugh that cracks her up every time she hears it. And just like the mood of the room goes from heavy to light in a matter of seconds.



Hope you enjoy the second chapter of My Tormentor

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