Chapter two

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Officer Sam Swarek was talking with Oliver Shaw about their respective rookies. They had both been assigned a rookie, it was Sam's first ever, but Oliver's 4th or so. Even though he would never say it, Ollie was worried about the unspoken attraction between Sam and his rookie. It was a big no-no for a rookie and a TO to...well... He never got the nerve to actually finish that sentence when Sam fixed him with one of his 'I know what you're gonna say but I dare you to say it because you're gonna regret it' glares.

Sam would never admit it, but his rookie, Andy McNally, fascinated him. She was gorgeous, strong, stubborn, smart, and an amazing cop. He knew he had to keep his distance though, at least untill he wasn't her TO any more.

Oliver was ranting about Dov's latest antics when a frantic women crashed through the doors. It was dour in the morning so the two of them were two of the few cops around waiting for their shift to start.

"I need help!" she cried. "There was a woman, she said she was police- and the man grabbed her- and I ran- and I don't know if she's ok or if he's gone or if she's dead! But you have to go find her!"When she stopped for a breath, Sam and Oliver processed her words: the perp they'd been after for a month was at it again, and nearby!

"Where? I need a street name ma'am." asked Sam. "And I need you to stay here with Jerry." he said gesturing to the man up the stairs.

"Woonsocket. It's a side stress off of main, about a block from here." she was crying again as Sam steered her towards the officer behind the desk.

"Take care of her. Ollie, lets go catch us a perv!"


Andy stood perfectly still as the man reached for her neck. She thought she was in some serious trouble, he was holding his knife, befor he sliced the front if her jacket completely open. She gasped as the coil air hit her skin, all she wore was a black sportsbra, and concentrated in forming a plan.

"Take it off." ordered the man.

Bile rose in her throat as she complied. She ran through scenarios in her head, but they all ended with her getting shot. Suddenly, he stepped foreword and slashed across her stomach. Andy jumped back in surprise. The gun went off

"A warnig shot." he chuckled,

She felt the bulled brushed her ear and drew blood, and whimpered. He only smiled and cocked the gun again. She knew it was now or never.

With a war cry, she tackled him and knocked the gun from his hands just as he had done to her a few minus ago. The only problem was that he had a knife and she was unarmed. She slugged him twice in the stomach, and felt a slicing pain on her right bicep before she fell ontop of him. They tumbled around on the sidewalk landing blows and kicks alike as they rolled in the snow.

Andy was freezing and bleeding, and knew she needed to get her gun before he got the upperhand. Two hits to the face drove her back into reality, and she kneed him hard in his unmentionables. He went pale and crumpled in on himself.

Crawling on her hands and knees, she grabbed the gun and rolled over just as he fell ontop of her, plunging the knife into her stomach as she popped four shots into his chest.

For a second he stared her in the eyes, frozen in shock- then he rolled off without a sound. Dead.

Andy clutched her stomach, the gash was deep. Too deep. Her heat hurt. She was so cold. She just didn't have the strength left to stand up. As she lay on the frozen ground, the last thing she thought was that she hoped someone - not someone, Sam- found her soon.

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