"Your little friends are no match for the Wild Hunt. There are too many of us and too few of you!" Douglas yelled, laughing at them all laying on the ground before him.

Levi slowly rose to her feet behind him, a hand holding her jaw as the bone healed itself back into place. The green was gone from her eyes again, and it was replaced with the bright alpha red that everyone had become so accustomed to.

"You're wrong," she spat, lunging just as the man turned around to face her.

Her clawed hand latched onto the skin on his chest, sinking the claws deep into the skin as they impaled the man before her. He let out a howl, his eyes glowing brighter as hers also began to glow the same shade of green. They both yelled out in pain, despite Levi not actually having anything physically wrong with her.

Malia took this as her chance, throwing one of the ghost riders whips across the forest and straight into Scott's waiting hand. The true alpha spun around, sending the end of the whip directly around the track switch and tugging hard.

Levi released her hand from Douglas' chest as they watched the train change direction and speed right past Beacon Hills. She laughed as they both fell to their knees, Malia running over to her and helping her up as Douglas watched on in horror.

"You missed your train," Malia told him, laughing as Levi let out a bark of laughter too. Scott tilted his head back, letting out a loud roar for all of the Ghost Riders and Douglas to hear. Levi had no doubt that Lydia - and probably Stiles - would have heard it from the school too.

Their laughter was remarkably short lived however, as the Ghost Riders all began to circle in on the teenagers with their guns raised at them. Malia held on to Levi, knowing the alpha was losing her energy from not having shifted fully in a while and Levi was also trying not to snarl at Theo.

Everyone paused as the lightning above them crackled loudly, with all of the ghost riders slowly turning to face Douglas instead. They walked past him, following the train tracks as Douglas yelled at them.

"Where are you going? Stop!" Douglas yelled at them, watching as they continued to ignore him and follow the tracks. "Zuruckkommen. Come back and kill them. Tote sie!"

"Yeah, call your army back. Or don't they listen to you?" Theo smirked, his ego annoying Levi even though he was making a valid point. She knew it wouldn't be long until she could slap him.

"I am your leader. Ich bin dein Anfuhrer! Obey me. Gehorcht mir. Kill them. All of them. Tote sie. Tote sie!"  The riders all stopped, turning around to face the group of supernaturals that were clustered alongside the train tracks. Douglas smiled as he thought they were coming back to his command.

Levi found a smile weaving its way to her face as the riders circled him instead of the intended group. She looked at her uncle, who shared the same Hale smirk as they watched the scene play out before them.

"Riders don't bow. They have no leader," Peter reminded him, as they stood in solidarity as he was ripped into pieces and transformed into one of the riders himself.

And then, in a burst of lightning, they were gone.

"Guys! We-" Theo started, but was thrown to the ground by a slap across the face.

The boy snarled, looking up at Levi who roared in his face, her red eyes staring him down. He withdrew into himself, his snarl turning to a slight whimper as he felt the authority roll off of the alpha. She glared down at him as Scott wrapped her arms around her to keep her from full on attacking the boy.

"I don't believe we've met," she snarled, "but that, that was for trying to kill my pack. If you ever even consider laying a finger on them again, I will not hesitate to rip out your throat with my teeth."

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