Chapter 2

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    Monica sat at the desk in her room staring blankly at a sheet of math equations. You're too dumb for this, you'll never understand math. You are totally going to fail the test tomorrow. Monica's eyes filled with tears.She hated math. She hated school in general. Heck, she hated the whole education system. School makes mecontinually stressed and just reminds me how dumb I am. Monica blinked hard and a tear escaped her eyes, falling slowly down her cheek to land on her math homework. "I need to talk a walk before I have a complete mental breakdown," whispered Monica to herself pushing her chair away from her desk and standing up.

She rushed out of the house and started walking down Mackenzie Street.Monica breathed in the cool October air and managed to smile at the leaves changing color making her simple street look beautiful.

She soon found herself standing outside Crossroads and saw teenagers running into the building. It must beWednesday night. Monica had barely thoughtabout the church since her visit a month ago. She stood there for a minute or two just watching the activity.

"Are you going in or not?" The voice startled Monica and she spun around to come face to face with a boy about her age with blonde hair spiked in the current fashion that boys assume makes them look cool. He wore jeans and a t-shirt. His face was indented with smile lines and he smirked at Monica in a friendly way.

"Oh no, I was just leaving," whispered a flabbergasted Monica as she quickly began to continue on down the street.

"You should come in. The people here don't bite, if they're in a goodmood anyway,"

Monica turned around as a small laugh escaped her. "Nah, I was here about a month ago, and church really isn't my thing."

"Comeon girl, do it for me" the boy said putting on his most convincingsmile.

This time it was Monica's turn to smirk, "I don't even know your name."

"Kyle Coven at your service," Kyle said with a little bow

A blush rose in Monica's cheeks as she responded, "I'm Monica Winters."

"What a lovely name," smiled Kyle. "Now it won't be weird when I accompany you into the church.

"I never agreed to anything," mumbled Monica as she found herself being herded into the church. Why am I following a random boy into a church that I swore I would never step foot in again? He is nice and all, but I don't even know him.

"You have something better to do?" questioned Kyle, moving his eyes up and down scanning Monica.

Her face burned under his gaze. "Math homework," she managed to say.

"You would honestly rather be doing math homework then going to youth group?" asked Kyle. "Don't tell me you're one of those extremely smart girls who is years ahead in math and spends all their free time doing calculus and trig," said Kyle his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Monicacould barely believe that thought and found herself laughing. "No way, I'm about as dumb as it gets, math makes me want to drop out of school."

"Then youth group is obviously the better way to make your evening eventful," smiled Kyle thinking that he had won Monica over.

"Not if social situations make you want to throw up," added Monica trying to make him understand her predicament.

Kyle's smile softened, "oh, I understand now. Will you try again, for me?I promise Samantha and her girls are really nice and caring. Kelsey is my cousin and I can vouch for her personally. She is very sweet and would love to see you again.

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