
"Are you sure you're ready to leave? You've hardly been here a fortnight." Lysander gazed at his sister as she awaited the servants to finish packing their belongings. Rhaegar had declared their visit was most enjoyable but regrettably had to be cut short as there was plenty of work to attend to back on Dragonstone. The newly wedded pair were disappointed the friends that had schemed to get them together had to leave the celebration so soon.

"Unfortunately, we must there is always something that needs attending to." In truth, Amara was doing her best to hide her sadness. She hadn't wanted to leave and had even suggested an extent to their stay but Rhaegar was insisting. Since she was once again with child they needed to be very careful. While she admired the protection and care given to their children, she chaffed at the restaurants he would put on her.

Lysander brushed away a strand of hair from his sister's hair. Her letters home were a treasure to her siblings. Not being permitted to step foot on Dragonstone unless it was by the king's leave had taken a toll on all of them.

"I just want to know that you're happy. We Lannisters must look out for each other." His words are awarded a small smile from Amara.

"I believe it was I that told you that." Lysander smiles back with a chuckle.

"You did I'm simply reminding you. I love you sister." Lysander wrapped his arms around his twin wishing she wouldn't be taken from him again. "Please take care of yourself."

Amara glanced back realizing the servants had finished their preparations and it was time to leave her home once again.

"I'll be alright Lysander, I'll write soon please take care of yourself. Especially with Elia at your side, I'm hoping it won't be long before I'm blessed with a niece or nephew." The pair burst out laughing at the thought of Lysander known in the family for his occasional clumsiness, handling a newborn.

"Stay safe sister, we'll take soon."

Amara climbs in the wheelhouse taking one last glimpse of her old home unaware it would be her final visit.


(Mid 279 A.C Dragonstone)

It would be yet another difficult labor for Amara as she took to the birthing bed in the middle of the year. Rumors flew that the early labor was brought on by a letter that had arrived from Kings Landing the night before. King Aerys had been in a rage since learning they had traveled to Lysander's wedding when they had yet to make an appearance at court to present their son.

Many servants had witnessed the prince pacing outside the door where his wife was giving birth. The prince had been witness to many of his mother's difficult deliveries and feared a similar fate for his wife and child. It was no secret his mother's failed pregnancies had contributed in some small part to the downfall of his parent's relationship. Each passing hour was agony to the prince, he began to regret any mention of his father, it was a similar situation that had caused the early labor of their first child.

Finally, at the hour of the bat, the door opened to the anxious prince.

"Congratulations Your Grace, you have been blessed with another healthy son." With the maester's words, Rhaegar felt a wave of relief overwhelm him. Both his wife and his child were alive and healthy. Though there was a small tinge of sadness immediately followed by guilt. Throughout the pregnancy he had prayed for a girl, 'the dragon must have three heads' he had told her. Both he and Amara had decided on a large family, Amara had grown up surrounded by siblings she adored. Rhaegar on the other hand had grown up almost entirely alone until the birth of Viserys. Both adored the idea of a castle filled with love and lots of laughter.

He entered the room to find servants cleaning up from the birth, both Catelyn and Ashara took notice and bowed. He would be forever thankful to the women for being such faithful companions to his wife.

"Rhaegar." He smiles at the sight of his wife who holds a small bundle in her arms.

"Come see him." Rhaegar makes his way over to the bed and his smile grows even brighter catching sight of his son. The boy had seemingly once again taken after his Targaryen father, but when the babe opened his eyes Rhaegar realizes he's staring into the emerald eyes of his wife.

"He's beautiful Amara." He glanced up from his son to his wife who was radiant for having just given birth.

"I've thought of a name for him. Being a second son I want him to be remembered." Rhaegar chuckled but knew his wife was right. Being a second son wouldn't be easy, but the boy could be better than those who came before him.

"Aerion... his name shall be Aerion Targaryen."

WRITTEN: December 31, 2017

EDITED: August 3, 2021

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