Jeff the Killer

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       The boy just stayed there, asleep. The doctor said he would wake up tomorrow, which is a good sign. He left the curtain there so I wouldn't have to see him.

       I decided that it was time for me to sleep. I grabbed my tablet and turned on Listen to your heart, so I could fall asleep. Music helps me sleep. I turned it on to play only twice, then it would stop. I pulled the covers over my legs and fell asleep.


       I was sleeping peacefully. Something was urging me to wake up. I felt as if somebody was, watching me. My eyes slowly opened. Since I was up, I went to turn my music on so I could go back to bed.

      As I was about to play the song, a gust of wind came from the window. The window was right by the boy. To keep him warm, I got out of bed and began walking to the window to shut it. That feeling, the one keeping me up, was stopping me from going over there. Footsteps ran across the room, though I couldn't see where it was coming from. It was too fast.

       Scratching was coming from my bed. I slowly walked over it and knelt down to it to take a look to see where it was coming from. I looked under and saw nothing. I shrugged and began to stand back up. As I turned around, something tackled me on the bed.

       Its hands holding me down to the bed. I couldn't see his appearance because of the lighting and his hair covered his face. I tried screaming for help.

       "No use honey, they're all dead," a boy said in a very raspy voice. I struggled, I knew he was going to kill me. As I struggled, he began chuckling. He moved his hair out of the way and I saw him.

       His hair, black as night, his eyes, bloodshot from his, lack of eyelids. Skin, white as snow. Might as well call him Snow White. But the thing that scared me the most, his smile. It was cut open to stay perminantly smiling.

       "Shh... put your earphones back in, and go to sleep..." he whispered before slashing at me with a kitchen knife.

===End of dream===

       I woke with a jolt. What was that?! Whatever it was, it scared the living crap out of me. I was gasping for air while looking around the room to make sure it was just a dream. I realized that in fact, it was a dream. I calmed back down a bit and fell back on my bed.

       I looked out the window and realized it was dawn. Great. I grabbed my tablet and began fiddling with it. I decided to read about some CreepyPasta while the day went on. I turned on some music to listen to as I read. I began humming to it as I went to the CreepyPasta wiki. I clicked on the website link and saw that a new CreepyPasta was added. It was titled Jeff The Killer. I thought about it for a minute and decided to read it.

       I clicked on the link and nearly vomited. He, no it, was there. That man, in my dream. He was on the CreepyPasta wiki. The photo showed the same exact man. The black hair, white skin, cut smile, and lack of eyelids. And his name, Jeff the Killer.

       I gathered my courage, and began reading it. It started out like a normal life. School, moving houses, bullies, etc. But something struck odd to me. He just snapped and nearly killed the bullies. As the story moved on, his brother, Liu, was sent to juvy, leaving him in a deep depression.

       One day, he went to this little boys party when the bullies came back. Jeff snapped again, but this time, killing two bullies and beating the last one up. Before the last bully passed out, he smashed alcohol and bleach on Jeff. Jeff had a candle thrown on him, fully engulfing him in fire. Oh my god. That must explain the hair and skin, but the eyes and smile.

       I kept reading. Jeff had his bandages taken off revealing his face. When he saw it, he began laughing and saying how perfect it was. Liu was released from juvy because the last bully admired that it was the bullies who attacked first. Jeff and his family went home.

       Jeff's mom heard crying from the bathroom. She opened it and saw Jeff standing there, kitchen knife in hand. His smile, cut and eyelids, gone. Oh, so that explains it. On the mirror, it had blood on it saying, Am I beautiful? He goes on explaining why he did it. He asked his mother, What's wrong, Aren't I beautiful? Jeff's mom lied and said yes. She said she would go get his dad to see his new look. Instead, she goes to the dad and says to get the gun.

       Jeff stands there in their doorway. You lied mommy, was the last thing he said before he stabbed both of the parents. He walked into Liu's bedroom with the bloody knife, held it to his chest and said the words that made shivers go down my spine.

       Shh... just go to sleep,

       Holy mother of fuck. He said that in my dream! OK, OK Makenna, time to rest. Enough CreepyPasta for today. I closed the website and turned on some music. I began humming to it and closed my eyes.

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