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Shadow woke up to see the azure hedgehog still asleep in the bed at the other side of the room, occasionally muttering Tails' name under his breath, but otherwise sleeping peacefully. Shadow got and decided to make some breakfast, some good food would be good for Sonic. He went into the kitchen and saw the broken chards of glass smashed against the wall the night before.

'I wonder what Sonic was thinking when he did this, maybe it would be better not ask question,' he thought to himself, picking up the pieces, 'I'll just move it before someone steps on it'. He mindlessly finished cleaning up, and looked in Sonic's cupboards, grumbling under his breath when he couldn't find anything. 'I'll have to go to the shop', he glanced into the bedroom, 'I won't be long, after all, I can run at the speed of sound'. He nodded wordlessly and set off to the city centre.

Although Sonic lived on the outskirts, in a more remote part of the city, it didn't take long to reach the high street with Shadow's speed. He went to the nearest food store and grabbed a basket, quickly walking down the aisles, looking for something to eat. 'What does Sonic even like anyway? All he seems to eat are out-of-date chilli dogs', he rolled his eyes, 'not exactly a proper breakfast.' He grabbed some nearby pancakes and syrup, getting in line to pay. There was a small TV in the corner for people waiting in queue, and it was the news channel, a new reporter with vivid scarlet hair started talking about a flood in a nearby town, there had been a lot of storms lately, and some areas had suffered a lot from it, but thankfully no-one was hurt.

'One less thing for Sonic to worry about,' Shadow thought as the queue moved along at a snail's pace. Then the scene on the news show changed, as a blonde haired news reporter was standing in front of a pile of ashes and smoke that was once a building. Shadow watched as the woman began retelling what had happened yesterday.

"A great loss was suffered today with the loss of one Miles 'Tails' Prower, who perished in a fire yesterday in a building that once stood behind me, now pile of rubble and ash. The cause of the fire is unknown, but the police are investigating it as both an accident and arson, and we have footage of Sonic when he arrived on the scene of the fire." A clip of Sonic rushing into the building was played, the reporter's voice in the background. "Sonic rushed in to save his friend, but was soon retrieved from the building by one Shadow the Hedgehog and taken to hospital as he had collapsed. Fire fighters ran in to save Miles but they couldn't get to the room he was trapped in due to a fallen roof, blocking the hallway. The fox's body could not be found, but I think the question plaguing us all is this, 'Why didn't Sonic save his best friend's life?"

There was silence in the store as everyone turned to look at Shadow. He returned their stares with an icy glare, silently replying that he wasn't going to say anything. He paid and left before anyone could ask him anything as he ran home. It took an even shorter to get home as it did to get to the city centre, pushing his limits to get his mind off the anger burning in the back of his mind.

'That bitch, how could she blame Sonic for this, he tried, it wasn't his fault! The last thing he needs now is a guilt trip.' It made him furious to see how low some people would sink to get a headline that would sell. 'Selfish bastards,' he growled in his head and he entered Sonic's house. He checked to see if Sonic had woken yet, seeing him laying soundlessly on his bed he thought him still asleep. But he didn't see the tears running down the hedgehog's face...or the knife running along his arm.

Shadow started cooking, and made a strong cup of coffee to calm his nerves. He had just finished when he heard stirring from Sonic's room. He cautiously went in and sat next to Sonic on the bed, not noticing the knife on the bedside cupboard.

"I made some breakfast," he said quietly, "you want some?" Sonic's silent reply was just a slight nod of the head before he dragged himself out of bed and headed to the kitchen. They both sat down without a word, eating the pancakes, which seemed tasteless to both of them, but their minds were not on the food.

'Dead, dead, Tails is dead,' Sonic repeated these words over in his head, he knew it wasn't like him to dwell on something like this, but he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that came with the sadness over his friend's death, 'it's all my fault, wasn't fast enough, I deserve to feel pain.' He forced another mouthful down his throat before resuming back to his depressing thoughts. Shadow on the other hand was thinking about something else.

'How could that bitch say that about Sonic, it makes me sick to see what some people will do for a few minutes of fame. I never realized just how hard it was to be Sonic, he's expected to be perfect by everyone, and if he isn't, he gets a load of shit from the world,' he sighed, 'his best friend died and all they can think about is how he should have saved him, not how miserable he's feeling now.' He seethed with barely contained anger, he wanted to rip the news crew apart and make them regret doing what they did, but he knew Sonic needed him more now. 'Why am I even getting so upset? I shouldn't care, not so much anyway.'

They carried on eating quietly, until Sonic pushed his plate away.

"I'm not hungry, I'm gonna go watch TV," with that he silently went to the living room and laid full length of the couch, flicking through the channels until he reached a replay of a certain news show.

Shadow tried to hear what Sonic was watching through the door, but could only catch a few words, 'didn't, save, best, friend.' Shadow's eyes went wide as he realised what was on and he rushed in to turn it off. He watched Sonic as he curled back into his defensive ball, ears folded against his head.

"Sonic, don't let them get to you," Shadow pleaded as his friend shuffled away from his hand, quills starting to get sharp so Shadow couldn't even hope to touch him and uncurl him from the ball of mixed blue and peach fur. He sighed and sat next to Sonic, giving him time to calm down. Eventually Sonic stopped crying, as though he had no tears left, and he uncurled, sitting with his knees up against his chest, heads rested on them.

It was just then Shadow heard a knock at the door, he looked at Sonic, he knew it would be his friends coming to check up on him. Sonic silently told Shadow he could left them in with his eyes, giving a small nod. Shadow nodded back and went to let them in, it was Rouge and Knuckles. They both came in without a word, sitting on the sofa beside the one Sonic was on, never lifting their heads to meet Sonic's eyes. There was an awkward silence as everyone contemplated what to say to break it. It was Sonic who finally spoke up.

"Where's Amy and Cream?" He whispered, not daring to speak any louder in the echoing room. Knuckles was the one who gave the quiet reply.

"Still asleep, they had a rouge night last night," Sonic nodded, "But how are you holding up?" Sonic looked at him.

"As well as can be expected," there was another silence, "but I think I want to be left alone, if you wouldn't mind, could you please tell Amy and Cream not to come? This is probably not a good thing for them to see, especially Amy." Knuckles nodded, he knew how clingy Amy could be. "Thanks, I'll see you guys, whenever."

"Kay Sonic, see ya later, you too Shadow." Shadow nodded and the two left, he wrung his hands nervously.

"Should I leave too?" He asked Sonic. Sonic shook his head.

"No, I-I want you to stay here, with me," he leant against Shadow and finally gave into exhaustion from all the crying, nuzzled against Shadow. Shadow sighed for what seemed the hundredth time that day, letting Sonic rest on him. He looked out the window, rain was falling heavily now and he could hear thunder in the background. 'Looks like we could be having another storm, better get some food, never know if it could flood around here like that other city'. He looked at Sonic, 'I'm sure he'll be fine for a little while, he's asleep anyway.' It took some effort, but he managed to pull himself out from under and Sonic and cover him with a quilt.

He checked on Sonic one more time before heading out the door. He left in such a rush he didn't hear Sonic mumble one name under his breath.



Whoooo another chapter!! Next time I'll do chapters since this one is kind of short. Please vote and comment!

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