Lilllaaayyy: chillin with my girl @holllaaayyy
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Time skip to 3 days later
Today was my first day of filming and I'm really nervous.

I walked into the studio and was greeted with the duffer brothers

"Hey lily, we've decided to change the script a little bit" matt said as I sent the twins a confused look

"We've decided to make Ava short tempered. So in the first scene it's gonna be hard for you to get the boys attention so you have to yell at them, then immediately go back to innocent Ava ok?" Ross said explaining the first scene

"Ok!" I said cheerfully and went to my trailer to get changed into we outfit for the scene

My outfit was a black and multi colored striped sweater with jeans red converse Hightops. My hair was pulled up with a pink scrunchy and big clunky glasses kinda like richies in IT

I walked up to set to be met with the 4 boys

(Just btw I know they are at a new school and Ava is somehow new even though the rest of them are new to that school it's because she's coming in the middle of the year)

"Hey lily, you excited for your first scene" Noah said making Finn notice me

"Yeah I get to yell at your guys so that's fun" I said being handed a fake textbook and a jean backpack by a crew Member

We got to the spots we needed to be but I wasn't supposed to come in yet

"ACTION" Ross yelled

First Scene
The four boys burst through the door of Hawkins high talking about how some kid in Dustin's math class fell asleep, fell out of his chair and hit his head on another chair

The four boys leaned up against the lockers they always talk at before school starts when and innocent-looking blonde girl walks up to the group

"Excuse me that's my locker" she said in a shy voice but the four boys didn't hear her

"Excuse me that's my locker" she spoke up more but once again the group didn't hear her

"EXCUSE ME THATS MY LOCKER" the no longer innocent looking girl yelled at the group of apparently partly deaf boys

The boys turned to the girl who has just yelled at them and opened an entrance for her

Her eyes immediately locked on the long haired brunette boy with a striped t-shirt on

"Thank you" the girl said her voice immediately getting shy again

The blonde put all her books in her locker except on which she pressed against her chest nervously after she closed her locker as a curly haired boy started taking to her

"Hey I've never seen you around, are you new here" the friendly curly haired boy said to the blonde

"Yeah I'm Ava, Ava longston" the girl said back to the group of boys

"Well, Ava longston, I'm Dustin, this is lucas, Noah, and mike" the curly haired boy said as the girl froze at the last name stated mike

"Nice to meet you. I guess I'll see you around" Ava said spinning around on her tiptoes

"CUT" mat yelled

(I'm only showing the takes that go well but if needed for the book I will add a mess up)

I walked off set and went to my trailer until my next scene

I got called onto set for the next scene I have with the boys

It was the scene where I get introduced to the class then gets tripped by a bully but max and will help me up forming our friend ship and it doesn't help that the teachers a dick and doesn't do anything about the kid tripping me

I haven't met Sadie before so this is gonna be interesting

(I know I know another authors note, really? Sorry I'm just here to say I will add to the storyline as I go ok I'm sorry bye)

In the story the reason mike Hates her in the first place is because will and her become really good friends and she kinda unintentionally steals will away from him causing mike to be alone because Lucas has Sadie and Dustin is still obsessing over her so he hates Ava even more

"ACTION" Ross yells

Second Scene
The blonde girl walks in with the principal of the school who gestures towards her so the teacher knows to introduce her

"Alright class his is Ava longston" the teacher said it a boring voice

"Ok you can sit in the seat behind will and next to max" the teacher said I'm the Same tone as before

Ava was making her way over to her seat when the leg of some kid popped out from under the desk grabbing onto my left leg making her fall to her knee

The redhead and short boy She recognized from early helped her up and into her seat

The two kids turned to her and the redhead said "sorry about that, the kids at out school can be real dicks sometimes" followed by a "Yeah" by will who's name she suddenly remembered from earlier

"It's ok I'm used to it" the girl said as they all turned to the teacher

"CUT" Matt yelled

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