Seth averts my gaze and storms out of the room. I sigh and painfully close my eyes.

"Sasha, I am so sorry." Sarah says and hugs me.

I hug her back and sigh. Seth really took this hard.

"Thanks for everything." I say and she nods.

I run out after Seth and find him outside with his head in his hands while he's sitting on the steps. I sit down next to him and wrap my arms around him.

"You'd expect me to be the one to break down." I try to joke.

He merely releases a dry chuckle and continue staring into space while mildly leaning into my touch.

"I know you were excited and  overjoyed, I was too, but we will try again and we have the rest of our lives left to try. Maybe now wasn't the right time, but we will have a baby. I promise." I whisper in his ear and a soft smile takes over his face.

"I'll keep you to that promise." He says and kiss the top of my head while we sit in the snow.


After the whole no baby thing, Seth has been taking it hard. He kept to himself for weeks on end, but a few days ago, he finaliy returned to his normal self.

I am really glad that he is finally back. I missed him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks with a grin and tugs on my hand.

"Just about my fantastic fiancé." I say and wink at him.

We are now at Smack down Live and we have a mixed tag team match against Finn Balor and Bayley.

I swear something is brewing between them. When Bayley came here, they have been spending a lot of time together.

And on top of that, she gives him that puppy dog look and he keeps staring at her.

Seth, however, completely disagrees, but we placed a bet on that.

And I am working on the case to befriend Bayley, since she's new here and she doesn't really know anyone.

"Have you been listening?" Seth asks with a pout.

"Oh, sorry, I spaced. What did you say?" I ask and he gives me a glare.

"I literally just explained our strategy to you." He says with a serious look.

"We don't need one, we can just wing it." I say and kiss his cheek when I spotted Bayley standing alone. "I'll be with you in a bit."

I walk up to Bayley and tap her shoulder. She turns around and smiles when she sees me.

"Hey, Bayley." I say with a smile of my own.

"Hi, Sasha." She softly replies.

"So, are you ready for your first mixed tag match?" I ask and she turns a shade paler.

"A bit nervous, but I'll be okay. I don't know if I can ask this since we are opppnents tonight, but any tips?" She asks hopefully and I grin.

"Sure, just remember to stay focused on the match. Be there when Finn has to tag you in and just because I like you, I'll give you a hint." I whisper and she nods eagerly.

"Normally before I initiate the Banks Statement, I throw my hair over my shoulder and do the double knee thingy." I say and Bayley chuckles.

"I'll watch out for that and thanks Sasha, this really helps." She says and attempts to walk away probably to get ready, but I grab her wrist.

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