Through the Stain Glass Window

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This is my newest story idea.  I had planned on taking it differently but after discussing things out with my husband I may have a good idea this way. So I have to thank my hubby, James for helping the way he did.   Thank you HUN!!!  LOVE YOU!  I do hope you like it, and please let me know if you do!  I will be working on new chapters for my other stories soon!!!!  I hope everyone is well and I have missed you all! 


PS..... Vote, comment, like!

Through the Stain Glass Window 

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely 

© All Rights Reserved- 2012


Maggie tapped the vacuum cleaner off as she heard the tinkling noise of her timer going off. Strolling into the kitchen, she popped open the oven door and was quickly surrounded by the heavenly scent of chocolate. The warm smell was enough to melt her insides but the sudden sound of the door bell pulled her from her sugar induced coma.

Quickly removing the hot pans from the oven, Maggie turned towards the partial stained glass door. A dark shadow stood just on the other side of the glass, urging Maggie to hurry up with another ding of her door bell. Swinging the door open, she was now face to face with the local Sheriff, Roger "Buddy" White.

"Buddy, what can I do for you?" Maggie flashed him her friendly smile. She loved living in such a small town, everyone knew everyone. And well everyone of course knew her and her family. How could they not? After all, her husband, Liam was the family practitioner in town.

Buddy stepped forward removing his hat, holding it behind his back slightly. His face was grim, and even though Maggie flashed him her award winning smile he couldn't even muster a half decent grimace. "I have some bad news, Mags."

"What? What's wrong? Whatever it is it can't be that bad." She reached out placing her hand on his shoulder reassuring, making Buddy recoil on the inside. He knew in a few moments the roles would be reversed, it was inevitable.

"There was an accident. Liam, he and the kids." Buddy lingered as he watched her eyes grow wide as dinner plates as her hand covered her mouth. Maggie's knees buckled leaving Buddy to catch her before she became a lump of flesh on the floor.

"Please, no." She gasped for air as she begged for the lives of her family.

"Maggie, Maggie, they are at the hospital." Buddy shook her slightly hoping to jar her from her prayers. "Come on, I'll drive you." Buddy carried most of her weight as her legs had suddenly become jello beneath her. The weight of the world had suddenly came crumbling down on her shoulders.

The entire fifteen mile drive was excruciatingly long, as Maggie rocked herself back and forth in the chair, whispering prayers for her kids and her husband. Buddy could only glance to the passenger seat and send up his own personal prayers that God himself was listening for the woman sitting next to him. Her heart was shattering, and it was very clear to see she may never be the same if the worse was to happen.

Before the car could come to a complete stop, Maggie had finally found her sea legs and jumped from the vehicle dashing for the sliding doors of the emergency room. She slid to a stop in front of the nurse at the check in desk. "My family came in, they were in a car accident. Please tell me where I can find them."

"Last name please?" The nurse said barely looking up from her computer screen.

"Nolan, Liam, Cassidy, and Gavin." Maggie blurted out bouncing slightly from the adrenaline rushing through her system.

"The kids are in room, 109. Let me get a nurse up here to show you back." Slowly the desk nurse lifted her over weight body from the rolling chair to knock on a door behind her. Every second that ticked away made Maggie's raw nerves grow closer and closer to snapping. She couldn't take it any longer.

"Forget it, I'll find my babies on my own!" She snapped as she pushed her way through the oversized double doors looking up at the numbers on the door. Finally setting her eyes on the number, she took off in a dead run towards the room where she knew she'd see her children.

Laying in two separate beds was Cassidy, her golden brown hair splayed out on the pillow as her arm was wrapped in a cast and a brace was around her neck. She and Gavin were both as asleep as she entered. Letting her eyes wander over her youngest, Gavin, she noticed the tear stains that marked his cheeks. He too was sporting a brace around his neck and two soft casts on both hands and one around his ankle.

Not trying to wake them she slowly crept between the beds lightly touching each of their faces. But when her fingers grazed over Cassidy's cheek, her green eyes popped open.


"Y-yes baby." Maggie choked on the sob caught in her throat.

"It was so horrible mommy. Is he okay? Please tell me he is okay, Mommy." Cassidy's little voice broke as she sobbed, her little hand trying to rub the tears away.

"Who? Your daddy? I haven't seen him yet, I'll go check hunny." Maggie gave her a reassuring smile before retreating to the hallways finding the nursing station. "I need to find my husband, can you tell me where he is?"

The young nurse looked up and noticed the kids room door slightly ajar, "Are you Mrs. Nolan?"


The young nurse bit down on her bottom lip nervously as she turned to pick up a phone. "Just one second, ma'am. The doctor wanted a few words with you."

"Can't you just tell me where he is?" Maggie could feel something wasn't right, why wouldn't they let her see him?

Just then a man with blonde hair walked through another set of large double doors his face was scrunched up in frustration as he ripped his surgery cap of his head tossing it against the wall. Glancing up, he noticed Maggie and straightened his back, quickly changing his demeanor as he approached her. "Mrs. Nolan?"

Not trusting her voice, Maggie nodded slightly looking at the doctor hoping for a trace of what had happened.

"Why don't you come in my office for a moment, please." He motioned her to the closed door that proudly displayed his name on the door. Suddenly her feet felt like lead bricks as she stepped closer and closer to the door and the weight on her shoulders suddenly multiplied.

Opening the door, the doctor ushered her in, leading her towards the couch where she took on end and he took the other end. Remaining quiet for a few moments, the doctor rung his fingers together nervously. Time had a horrible way of slowing down to a crawl, each tick of a second passing felt like minutes.

"Ma'am, there is no easy way to tell you this." The doctor began.

"Liam? H-he'll be okay, right?" Maggie's hand covered her mouth as her chin quivered with emotion. She had never pictured her life with out him, and just thinking about it now with out him around, well it just wasn't possible.

"No, ma'am. We tried to do everything we could, but he had some severe internal bleeding. He flat lined in the field but the emergency workers were able to get his heart going once again but the bleeding was too much. We tried to repair the damage and replenish his blood, but it didn't work, ma'am. Your husband is gone, he died." His voice was soft, but those last six words played over and over in Maggie's mind. Her heart hammered wildly against her chest as she tried to catch her breath.

Liam was gone, he was dead. Her best friend, lover, husband, companion, and everything in between would never be there again. At that moment something snapped inside of Maggie, if it was possible, she would of guess the whole world could hear her heart shatter.

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